Already in the twelve years I genuinely thought I was smarter Arbatova. Yet it seemed to me that feminism - is someone like Superman, crushing inequality of women, men dictate, infringement of the vagina, that is, Lex Luthor. I knew that both characters - fictional. Since childhood.
If a child girl - a parallel reality and boring (which, however, was supposed to give way around), then in adolescence depended on them all. Availability girlfriend made the alpha male and the first in the pack safer than the ability to fight and climb trees. Competeowngirlfriend could only withhis game console, even losing thereof for the time being. In short: girlfriends decided.
For those who did not have girlfriends, also solved women - mothers and grandmothers, and this was the pattern: a friend, a mother hen, and Bolivar could not bear two. Mother's love for her son, especially single, especially from single-parent families sung classics. About sticky tryasinopodobnoy nature of this love and the catastrophic consequences of her silent classics. Wrapped, zalyublennye, zakontrolennye boys to gray hair and alopecia were helpless infantile, unable to even pay the rent on their own. "The best friend a boy - his mother," - used to say Norman Bates on another occasion.
"Eat soup", "get dressed warmer" and "I'll take you" - the foundation on which later will build balcony "she'll unworthy" and terrace "it with you just for the sake of apartments." Mother-in-law and mother in law - the bugbear of local jokes, incomprehensible to Europeans. Their grand-generation does not even think to interfere in family affairs generation NEXT.
This - ineradicable part of our mentality. While German woman with varying degrees of success have been taught to love four things - kinder, küche, kirche, kanzler, Russian man was persuaded to worship three - mother country and Motherland (masculine synonym - "Fatherland" - did not catch on, there are too many "da with "and crunch French bread). "You Th about my mother said! "- The introduction to the third yard fights, another third also is due to women, a third of the final - they hallooing type" and you know that Kolya said about you? ". All that in addition to - the statistical error. The number of accidents on the phrase "dear, do we not surpass this unfortunate" Lada "is not counted at all.
Generally, in vain Tolstoy gave Pinocchio dad - Carlo. Carlo had to be Clara - science for vystruganiyu Pinocchio purely female, ancient, generational. From mother to daughter, from her friend to gossip, from editor to reporter, from our table - to your: how to manage a man, as a man to re-how to bind a man - headlines revise or something, huh? Immediately, side by side, folk wisdom - "husband - the head, and his wife - the neck, which she twirls." Management male will (directly, gradually - as lucky) - value, which no doubt seems to have none of the women. And none of them does not think about the ethics of the question was. Training dog training as men. What does it mean - "can"? It should be!
Well, here you are! For thirty or forty years, many or drink too much from boredom or invest complexes in aggression, or go to the young. It flatters their vanity - trampled, mutilated and wrapped in a scarf my mother, but the main thing - it is the only opportunity to feel like a senior and principal in the family at least by virtue of age. At the exit - another divorcee, another abandoned child. And if it's a boy, it certainly for Any wrapped, zakontroliruyut. Circle.
"Your father - an irresponsible bastard," - says the mother. And who taught him some responsibility? He was taught to eat soup and dressed warmly. Head twirling neck, neck turned her head. Boy, you - the next. And you, my daughter, not to demolish someone else's head.
Russia - a country of victorious matriarchy. Victory, of course, men: weak-willed, a notorious drinking, irresponsible, infantile with an average life expectancy of 59 years (women - 72). He defeated them, and he plays them, without fathers fetus. From diapers to diaper, from the manger to the nursing home: educator, teacher, teacher, woman doctor, nurse. The vast majority of judges in Russia - women. The vast majority of officials in Russia - women. The vast majority of voters in Russia - women who, besides, much more likely to go to the polls. This - at the society as a whole. And if in particular, that the reference, flashy macho turns into a rag as soon crosses the threshold of the house. Wipe his feet, a goat, I was cleaning. Yes, dear.
True, they say that a man is easier to make a career and knock the salary increase. I confirm - it is easier. I personally know of seven women, seven men, whom the chiefs refused to increase, and then, over a glass, admitted: "It is nice too, I would have killed his wife then." Responses "still think I'm sleeping with her" - even without an account. Unsympathetic, however, is not easier: its same tovarki, colleagues, "a great part of the team" - peremoyut bone zaterroriziruyut, devour. By his - no mercy, man-chief - good. Almost every moves that most loving Mother, son shoved in a special school, to college, in a leather chair to pull. Or that same little woman - bewitch, tie, re. Men in women's collectives that calves on pasture. Cute, nice, wards - pasites. Well you for slaughter. We have plans for you.
The Russian people are revealed, unraveled, seen through the maximum number of world conspiracies, ask at least on the Internet, even on the bus. Masonic, Jewish, American, financial, homosexual, liberal, anti-Russian, alien - all see all understand (it is strange that in view of this we have not yet recognized the smartest people on earth; but, however, is clear - a conspiracy!). Not found the only one - a female. Which, however, are not. The system reproduces itself by the women, but without their desires. A vicious circle is not allowed to interrupt the installation, tradition, being itself. As with the post-war years went widow and live. We eat soup. Dress warmly.
"Suppress woman to impose his will - it is a natural, as enshrined in the generations of men desire, it is our bane," - said Arbatov of the TV program "I myself." Men on the dock stared at the floor. Is there across say? If you say, my wife will kill. And my mom upset.