Dress code human-cake

 Holy Week is still in full swing, and bakeries are already in full boil other passion - the queue for cakes pohlesche than hairy cheese in Soviet times. Sweet bread cylinder bathed in frosting and sprinkled with colored grains, though no longer a symbol of the church, and became an end in itself. I, frankly, at the sight of cakes do not feel religious awe, but sprinkling colored it mesmerizes me. However, as some designers.

When I see posypku confectionery stores, I would like to turn into Amy Sedaris with this picture, or Scrooge McDuck diving into a pool of grit, or make yourself scrub it, or fill it in sweet palnut guns and fireworks.

Dress code human-cake

Amy Sedaris

Designers and lovers of hand-made, unlike me, do not engage in pointless transfer product. And if sprinkling in their home is not going to decorate cakes and cupcakes, it serves as an inspiration for creativity.

As it turned out, in the multi-colored rump can not just roll cake and Amy Sedaris. Of confectionery topping if desired, and does make total look. As such, on the street, however, is hardly worth going out. But it is noteworthy is that the round little balls at one time could literally roll up any items of clothing. In beauty-photoshoots Topping also found its place.

Dress code human-cake

Photo by Graham Montgomery

The same nail trend last winter from Ciaté though called "caviar", but what kind of caviar this rainbow?

Dress code human-cake

But of sprinkles-look in order. Most variations on this theme in the shoe. Vans sneakers once confined under posypku nice print. Men's brogues Duckie Brown graced impressive inset with colored beads. A Merlo Designs decided not to translate for nothing as it is plastic and glued real edible posypku to your shoes treat with from hungry ants and mice.

Dress code human-cake


Dress code human-cake

Duckie Brown

Dress code human-cake

Merlo Designs

It is not difficult to guess that these small sweets can easily simulate beads, randomly attached to clothing. Argentine Maya Bergman became a finalist H & M Design Award 2013 with the spring-summer collection of beads seem too moved about in the same direction.

Yet to make candy emphasis on accessories - it seems to be the lesser of two evils.

Dress code human-cake

Scarf Kate Spade

Dress code human-cake

In addition any self-respecting cupcakes should have not only an impressive cap of cream and topping, but also set up on top of a cherry.

Dress code human-cake

Cap Neff

If the form of multi-colored grains have also inspired, do not forget that the main purpose of the confectionery topping - it's still not taste as decoration. Therefore, everyone is free to decorate it whatever they like. Yes, even here, even armpits!

Dress code human-cake