Caring for jewelry is not very complicated. They only need to store, regularly cleaned and gently worn. Of course, a lot depends on what they are made of. There are more fragile stones that do not drop, there are products that can not be heated.
But there are general rules that are advised to observe for all jewelry. Always remove jewelry, if you're going to do household chores. No matter what. This dish washing and ironing, and dusting. Remove jewelry when washing your hands, take a shower and go to bed. Someone such measures surprise. Indeed, sometimes the decoration is not felt, and the person does not relieve him ever. This means that you picked up a decoration, ideally suited to you. But in this case it should be removed. After all, you can cause serious damage to decoration.
Remove jewelry before use of cosmetics and medical devices. Do not forget to put a decoration on a shelf in front of sports. After all, you can damage it. Store jewelry separately best. Incase each individually cheholchik, box or even a napkin. If you can not store jewelry in different places, at least Transfer pearls. He is very fragile, it can easily be scratched and chipped.
If you have a product with an emerald, be very careful with them. This is a very fragile stone. Even with a slight bump it may crack. Wrap it in a thick cloth and tie a rope to avoid damage.
Special care is required cleaning jewelry. This is best accomplished with special products. But if you do not have them on hand, fit most ordinary soap with a low content of alkali. Type in a little warm water and dissolve a piece of soap. Using a soft cloth, clean the jewelry. In the water you can add a few drops of ammonia. This is especially useful for the gold and silver.
Wipe dry dressing and leave the fresh air. If a piece of jewelry has a stone, it is necessary to clean up and fixing points. To do this you need to tow soaked in cologne or glycerol. Do not use stones toothbrushes, you can damage the surface.
When buying jewelry always ask about the methods of care. Some of the stones improve, obscuring cracks and chips special oils. Of course, keep the decoration is more complex. In any case not to heat it, use ultrasonic cleaning. Take care of decorations, and they will serve you faithfully for many years.