Navel piercing is one of the oldest methods of body decoration. It still did the ancient Egyptian priestess to confirm its special status. Today, such a puncture is available to everyone. But before doing it, you should consider how it is really necessary, that will bring to your image and are you willing to endure some inconvenience in this regard.
Any type of piercing should be done only in professional salons, independent punctures are fraught with complications. Before the procedure, a specialist will always offer to do a local anesthetic, although this type of puncture and not too painful. Then use marker points marked puncture is made with an alcohol swab disinfection of the navel, and only after this wizard starts direct puncture. Part of the skin is compressed and clasped his hand with tweezers - it promotes small bleeding and pain relief. Usually puncture is done at the top of the crease over your belly button. Within a few hours after the procedure, it is desirable to not appear on the abdominal crease, it will be necessary to have only a lying or standing position.
Decoration is inserted immediately after piercing. Selecting it, you must remember that the primary piercing silver contraindicated, since it is oxidized, thus impeding the healing process. But hurry paste gold jewelry in a fresh piercing is not worth it. It is better to stay at the simple ring of titanium. With drooping catkins also better to wait.
Within 20 days after the puncture is forbidden to visit a solarium, sauna and swimming pool. The most important thing - once again not to touch the dyeing of clothes, because any perturbation in the wound can easily cause of infection and cause inflammation. Complete healing of the puncture typically occurs 2-4 months. If puncture tired, simply remove the decoration and after a while hole drags on, and in its place will be a tiny, barely noticeable scar.
Before performing the puncture necessary medical consultation, because navel piercing there are contraindications such as low blood clotting, epilepsy, umbilical hernia, pustular skin diseases and pregnancy.