Jewellery or jewelry: make a choice

Jewellery or jewelry: make a choice
 Virtually no indifferent to jewelry women. Rings, earrings, bracelets, beads and necklaces - diversity and beauty simply dazzling. Some people love the stylish jewelry, and other cherished dream are diamonds. It is known that it is not necessary to wear jewelry in combination with these jewels - it will look cheap and vulgar. So, what to give preference: jewelry or jewelry?
 These jewelry made of precious metals - it is certainly stylish, expensive and respectable. For example, is unlikely to be pleased bride wedding ring made of plastic or copper. Kits with precious stones are good for receptions and go out. Jewellery can be easier to wear to work and in everyday life. Jewelry of gold and silver in the lead in the list of the most popular jewelry. Also demand things from platinum, set with precious stones and natural pearls. Perhaps the only negative of these things - their high cost.

In jewelry also has its fans. Its main advantage is the variety of shapes and materials, from which it is made. Gone are the days when jewelry was associated with a cheap trinket, now in the sale are absolutely wonderful exclusive products.

Jewelry is of several types: classical, avant-garde and ethnic. Classical copies natural jewelry, and more accurately, the better. For this purpose, electroplating - non-precious metal coating of gold or silver plus traditional insert: Murano glass, Swarovski crystals, artificial pearls. The avant-garde jewelry - it's interesting works of authorship. In the manufacture of such jewelry artist uses a variety of materials: leather, plastic, wood, ribbons, sequins, semi-precious stones. Ethnic immediately won the hearts of fashionistas. This style combines Indian, Chinese, Japanese, African and Indian motifs - all that Western man seems distant and mysterious. Used in the manufacture of materials such as wood, coconut shells, beads, mother of pearl, shells, semi-precious stones, seeds of tropical plants.

Does not necessarily make a choice between jewelry and jewelry, you just have to learn how to wear these ornaments. Of great importance is the style of clothing and a place where you're going to go. Gold and diamonds will look stupid and vulgar with sundresses and shorts on the beach, and plastic sequins and out of place in the theater and business receptions.

 Going to social events, pick an evening dress set with precious stones or refined chain with an unusual weave. For daily work in the office fit strict laconic, but solid jewelry made of precious metals. Going at a party or club can wear a fun costume jewelry or jewelry made of leather. Follow these simple tips and you will not have to choose between jewelry and jewelry.

Tags: choice, stone, jewel