Stone beads: decoration and mascot

Stone beads: decoration and mascot
 Stone beads - Beautifully decorated and mascot at the same time. Stones can affect the life of a man with his energy. They can take trouble, to draw luck to help recover from a serious illness.
 The stone from which the beads are made, there are certain properties. For example, amazonite - the keeper of the family hearth. Jade symbolizes virtue. Turquoise attracts love and prosperity, happiness and health stores. Jasper protects against the evil eye, opens the gift of eloquence. Agate helps its owner to achieve financial success. Topaz gives women the beauty helps to get pregnant. Lapis brings peace and quiet, good luck in matters of the heart. Alexander and Citrine - stone of wealth and prosperity. Chalcedony improves mood and attracts joy. Garnet is a stone of passion, so the beads from it suitable for those who have not had love affairs.

When stone beads change hue or torn, their owner should pay attention to their health. Often natural stones change color if their owner health problems. For example, getting dark turquoise, aquamarine becomes more pale. Stones absorb negative energy of their masters, and this affects their color, some of them may crack. In this case, you need to dissolve the beads and reassembled by removing the cracked elements.

Charge the beads so that they helped you to cope with difficult life situations and attracted positive developments as follows. Soak them in warm water. Then squeeze in the palms and imagine how they are filled with light energy. You can even tell your talisman that you expect from him. At the end of the procedure, be sure to thank your guardian.

Of course, beads made of stone, as well as any other decorations are in need of care. If the product formed pollution, it should be washed in warm soapy water, then rinse necessarily simple warm water. Natural stones can not tolerate changes in temperature, so they must be protected from rapid cooling and heating.

Tags: mascot, stone decoration