Try not to overdo it. Do not put a large number of rings. This will cause some inconvenience, and fashion is irrelevant. Enough to wear one ring on the finger of a large or medium-sized feet. So it will be much more attractive.
Try to take into account the fact how comfortable you will be with the ring on her finger while walking. Should be preferred rings made of silver, because the metal rather soft and easily takes the form of a finger.
Make sure that that was the perfect pedicure. Judge for yourself, if you wear a bright ring of rough feet, it will look at least as beautiful, and even repulsive.
Wear ring finger exactly in the center or lower it to the ground. Footwear better to pick open type. Then all will be able to appreciate the beauty and decoration of your feet.
Try as little as possible to remove ring toe. Frequent bending or extension lead to loss of attractiveness of your jewelry.
Interesting fact - the ring on the finger of a woman's foot has a healing effect on her body. In particular, there is an improvement of hearing and vision, normal pressure, restores the nervous system.
Well, advice on how to wear a ring on your feet, you got it. Now it remains for small - namely, to buy a decoration. And now with this problem you just will not have - in stores represented a pretty wide selection of rings on your toes, from cheap costume jewelry and ending with precious metals.