How to choose a wedding tiara

How to choose a wedding tiara
 Wedding tiara makes an exciting touch to the image of the bride, adds to her charm. This accessory can be different in shape and color, which makes it versatile. It is suitable to almost any a style wedding dress and long hair of the bride. This spectacular, but very capricious decoration. Mismatched diadem able to expose all facial imperfections, so when it is selected must adhere to certain rules.
 Modern brides bridal salons offer a wide selection of tiaras from modest and small to large and showy. If you choose this accessory plays an important role face shape. Chubby brides should stop choice for high diadem, better if it is with the sharp "spear." Decorating a form visually pull the face. Girls with a triangular face should choose, on the contrary, a low, uniform thickness tiara without elevations and pointed. The ideal option would be decoration with flowery pattern on a flower theme.

Owners square face fit tiaras in which stones are placed along its entire length, and not just in the center. With an oval face looks good most of the species diadems, but by decorating with "pike" should be abandoned because it greatly extends the face.

Color wedding dress, its decor and texture - all this also plays a role in the choice of this accessory. To the white as well as more appropriate tiara decorated with diamonds, pearls or rhinestones. It would be great if such a finish is present on the dress. To dress champagne color suits golden diadem adorned with mother of pearl or pearls, the tone of which should be dark. Diadema, where there are only stones, suitable for any dress. Another important point - the color of this accessory should be in harmony with the color selected jewelry - bracelets, earrings, necklaces.

Selection of wedding "crown" in accordance with the finished dress will point to the refined taste of the bride. If the dress is trimmed with elegant lace with a floral pattern, this print is to be repeated in the diadem. Along with silver or gold embroidery harmonizes well with tiara, decorated with colored inserts.

When this decoration should take into account and style of dress. Finery involves intricate and ornate tiara. To pay by direct or slim cut is more suitable decoration with straight lines and geometric patterns.

Properly chosen tiara accentuate all the solemnity of the moment and give the bride feel like a queen on a holiday of their love. Do not deny yourself the pleasure.

Tags: hairstyle, wedding veils, tiara