Gold jewelry for every day

Gold jewelry for every day
 Gold has always and everywhere been the most exquisite and expensive gift, a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It always refers to the status of a tall man. Gold, which gave birth to the earth, is practically eternal element that will not change over time or a sample formula that is resistant to corrosion, has a certain degree of attraction and literally mesmerizing. It was one of the first metals to subdue the man. Ever since the ancient times appreciated the quality and value of gold.

They say that if a man resigned to gold, it is no longer interested in spiritual values, and he begins to feel an attachment to everything earthly and carnal. Gold gives financial, monetary freedom of man, but takes away his soul in return. In humans begin to happen often depressed, overwhelmed by his illness. And if the person is not influenced gold, then it starts to help him in his spiritual growth. People who are indifferent to gold, go through life easily, and enriched spiritually and materially.

Gold jewelry and have mystical properties. In ancient Greece, gold was used as an antiemetic. In our time, too, are used in medicine preparations containing gold. Gold has for centuries served as the body faithfully, and has a warming effect.

Gold jewelry can be worn almost every day, to underscore its viability, for mood, for beauty. Now on sale a lot of various rings with stones - and not very expensive, rings, necklaces, chains with kulonchiki. Gold jewelry is usually dressed for the holiday, but rings and earrings can be worn almost every day. Ring - a symbol of loyalty, love, engagement or wedding-especially. Next to it, you can wear a ring with small stones - emerald, diamond, etc. Earrings of gold is even useful to wear - it is an excellent prevention of purulent inflammation of the ear. It is proved that gold jewelry beneficial effect on women's health, although men, by contrast, the reaction of harm to the skin. Therefore men better to shoot at night the ornaments, and women can wear them all day and night.

Tags: gold, golden, woman, decoration