Kveten (22.03 - 20.04) - born in this period are under the protection Yarila - god of the sun and fertility. Slavictotem horoscope says kveten - this Polecat. People born under the sign of polecat, characterized by self-confidence, energy and desire for great achievements. Hori - cunning, but disinterested, quirky, but responsive. Yarila of people born in this period, took all the warmth of the sun. They love the whole world, but their love will not impose. By nature - optimists and creators.
Traven (21.04 - 20.05) - on Slavic legends, the people of this sign patron god of Lola. Like humans, endowed with its features, Lelia ambiguous. He was considered the patron of nature and lovers, he could be in two forms - girls and boys. People born in this period, differ enviable knowledge of the affairs of the heart. A calendar, ortotem horoscopeDetermines Traven - as a sign Ropuhi or toads. A person born under the sign of Ropuhi, they say, and do not sink in water and fire does not burn.
Cherven (21.05 - 19.06) - people born in this period, protects Letnitsa - she's Gromovitsa. Perun's wife, the patroness of love and beauty. People enjoying the protection of Letnitsa, possess an excellent sense of humor and ability to win people. This period is endowed with the name Konyk or Grasshopper. Konyk - people cheerful and active. His ability in the sciences are extremely high, but perseverance, he is no different.
Krasen (20.06 - 19.07) - this month patron god Veles. He is responsible for everything that is connected with money and prosperity. In mesyatseslove month "Krasen" called Hamster. People born under this sign are able to work and earn, although like most holiday. This they do in their spare time to accumulate wealth. Hamsters are slow, but know exactly when and what kind of "reserves" to be done. Those whototem horoscope endows features hamster, kind and sympathetic.
Zhniven (20.07 - 18.08) - a month, which protects the god of sunlight Dazhdbog - ancestor of all Rus. In the horoscope of the totem zhniven - Slimak or snail. People born in late July - early August vulnerable and vulnerable. They are able to reveal the soul of the other person, as is often spared. Snails credulity combined with friendliness.
Veresen (19.08 - 17.09) - those born under the sign of Bees, protects itself Rozhanitsa! From it the representatives of this sign incredible hard work and desire to bring any matter to an end. In addition, the bees prefer not to advertise their skills, as endowed with a fair amount of modesty. Compliments lead them into confusion, and awards - in confusion. Appreciating other sincerity and openness, bees themselves quite closed.
Ryuen (18.09 - 17.10) - patroness - goddess of fertility and harvest Morena. Like her, people born in this period are very variable. Morena can be good, and can send a poor harvest. Slavictotem horoscope claims that people sign Beetle can change your mood. Beetles tend to idealize the events and people in connection with what are often deceived. Beetles painstakingly perform ongoing work, they are indispensable where required diligence and inner peace.
Listen (18.10 - 16.11) - patron Mara - the goddess of winter. People, according to menologion born under the sign of Beaver, sexy and seductive. They are often the envy of others, although it is not willing to provide. People-beavers like order in everything - in things and in life. Stay close to the Beavers easily and comfortably, taking care of them near the foreground.
Gruden (17.11 - 16.12) - patron Vyrgon - mistress. She is beautiful and powerful, her head entwined serpents, and look - deadly. By totem menologion people born under the auspices of Vyrgoni belong to the sign of the Dog. They are strong and noble, loyal friends and fair heads. Careful, but bold, practical, but generous.
Sichen (7.12 - 15.01) - people born in this period, under the patronage of the most powerful god - Perun. If you looktotem horoscope, It is now owned by Beru or Bear - The Lord of the forest. People of this sign is smart and tough, strong and somewhat lazy. I must say that it allows itself to be lazy only when "in the woods" everything is in order. At other times it is active and smetliv.
Luyten (16.01 - 14.02) - the patron Stribog - god of the winds. The animal, which corresponds to the period - Hort or Wolf. Users for whichtotem horoscope defined such patrons, brave and cocky. They know how to fight and love, fortunately, in our time, these duels - verbal. Own territory for Wolf sacred. Representatives of this sign is equally comfortable feel like a "pack", and alone.
Suhen (15.02 - 16.03) - the protector of the people of this sign Mokosh - the goddess responsible for the comfort of home. By menologion is owned by Raven. Sensual side of people born under this sign, is the basis of their attitude. Crow careful, she rarely shares his emotions with others. People-crows unusually perceptive, they see something that is securely hidden - thoughts, intentions and deeds.
Yuletide (17.03 - 21.03) - intertemporal. People born in this time, mysterious and unpredictable. Their soul - darkness even to themselves. They act according to the situation, and their solutions do not always meet your expectations. What is there to say !? Timelessness ...
Slavictotem horoscope - Not a set of immutable truths, it is rather a hint for those who, based on the wisdom of generations, can lead your character to the criteria close to the ideal of what women's magazine JustLady you sincerely wishes!
Elena Raichenko
Women's magazine JustLady