Our invisible protectors
But do not despair! It turns out that the air can be disinfected. Make it can essential oils of some plants (juniper, eucalyptus, clove, mint, kaeputa etc.). They have antimicrobial and antiviral effect. Evaporating, such essential oils kill microorganisms in the air and make it safe for the child. By inhalation of air with vapors of essential oils and disinfected airways, which serve as "gateway" catarrhal infections. Essential oils help to cope with the very first, barely visible signs of an impending cold - headache, wheezing, fatigue.
Convenient oil
Essential oils can be applied throughout the "seasonal flu", always and everywhere. It is no coincidence they are so popular in many countries of Western Europe. There are essential oils and Russian pharmacies. They come in the form of sprays, drops, patches.
Practical moms love our oil in the form of drops, for example, oil is "Breathe". It is convenient to use anywhere: at home, office, school, kindergarten. By slow evaporation from the surface of the oil "Breathe" longer retains useful properties. Bottle with oil "Breathe" can be put in a handbag, and he will always be at your fingertips. Easy to use and spray butter "Breathe." It can be sprayed in an apartment if someone in the family has already ill.
Just breathe!
And most importantly - you do not have to expose your child to an unpleasant procedures instillation into the nose or blurry. Oil "Breathe" is used in a contactless manner. Suffice it to drip a few drops of oil or spray the spray on a napkin or a favorite stuffed toy baby. You can also apply oil "Breathe" on a scarf or collar children's clothing before the walk. A school or kindergarten kid will protect ordinary handkerchief, if the pre-drip oil on him "Breathe." Oil "Breathe" is not addictive and does not irritate the mucous membranes. Therefore, it can be applied several times a day. And even if you use the "Breathe" often enough, one bottle will suffice for at least 1-2 months.
Do not wait until the baby starts to sniffle, - protect it with butter "Breathe" today!