World's most expensive accessory by Karl Lagerfeld

 The famous designer Karl Lagerfeld specially for the exhibition Brilliant released the most expensive accessory and a work of art - a decorative collar with diamonds and a huge emerald.

As you know, the designer had a special passion for shirts with high collars buttoned tightly and especially - to the collar, including removable, which are so popular lately. Lagerfeld has once again demonstrated its Lobova to this accessory and released collar, studded with countless black blilliantami 40 carats, with a 22 carat emerald. Jewelers rated it in 29,000 pounds.

Karl Lagerfeld himself said that he tried to create a real collector's item, combining high fashion and jewelry craftsmanship.

The collar was created specifically for the exhibition Brilliant, which is supervised by Carol Woolton, jewelery editor column Vogue. The exhibition will be held in celebration of the anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

World's most expensive accessory by Karl Lagerfeld