Lose Weight on the contrast of food and dishes

 The amount of food eaten by us is not only dependent on the size of plates, with which we eat it, but on its color. More cheerful than coloring utensils, the stronger becomes our appetite. But that's not all.

On the desire to eat more and also affects the contrast - contrast color on the color of the plates of food. Researchers at Cornell University have found that match the color gamut of dishes and food leads to the fact that because of this monochrome person eats 20% more. Scientists have conducted the following experiment. They mixed one serving of pasta with tomato sauce, and the second - with cream. After this part of the volunteers were asked to put the first dish on a red plate, and the second - on white. Other people who participated in the experiment, it was necessary to impose on the food color contrasting dishes.

It was found that the first portion of 17-22% were more second. And in addition to the difference in the amount of food on the plates for the experiment coincident flowers eaten by 15-20% more food. These results show that by contrast a person begins to pay more attention to the size of their portions. They say, losing weight on a note.