Experts have found out how to deal with the autumn blues

 Rapidly advancing autumn chill being felt - on our mood gray and chilly weather affect not the best way. Year after year, repeated one and the same, and experts are constantly watching to see how and what affects our emotional state. This time they gave some valuable tips to help avoid the autumn depression.

The most important thing - it is, of course, our food. It is recommended to enrich your diet foods that contain omega-3 fats: fish, nuts and seeds. It is also worth to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in magnesium, zinc and vitamin C - all of this is not only promotes vitality and good mood, but also strengthens the immune system.

Also, nutritionists recommend to reduce the consumption of refined sugar and carbohydrates, strong alcohol, coffee and cigarettes - by their action, they can only worsen the mood.