Cameron Diaz will publish a book about the dangers of anorexia fashion

 It seems anorexic girls are concerned about everything. How antiagitatsionnyh books already written, and all apparently to no avail. His authority unhealthily skinny girls decided to crush this Cameron Diaz.

The book, which will soon to publish a well-known actress, is advisory rather than moral character. It Diaz talks about the dangers of uncontrolled dieting and benefits of proper nutrition.

Emaciated by hunger body is not beautiful. It is important to think not only about the imaginary appeal, but also about their own health. Cameron believes that the most important thing in a man is not the amount of fat, and having a good mood with good nutrition, especially during adolescence, when the body is still growing.

For information on when and how will the book be called Diaz, nothing is yet known, but its publication is already in the plans of the actress.