How to walk will help to improve the shape

How to walk will help to improve the shape
 In order to become leaner, not necessarily to spend time on the gym. Improve the shape will help usual walk, which can be combined with other pleasant things - walking the dog, listening to music, friendly or romantic company.
 Benefits to walking a lot - this availability, and improve health and safety. Walking improves endurance, normalizes the circulatory, nervous and cardiovascular systems, improves mood. Moreover, not only involves certain muscles, as in the conventional fitness and muscles and organs.

Hour walk in the quiet pace will allow you to get rid of 220 calories. Speed ​​up the pace, you can lose 315 calories from already an hour. It was during quiet walks most effectively burn fat, because the body is at rest. If you start active sports and at the same time reduce the amount of food consumed - the body begins to "worry" and in any case to save fat.

It is best to conduct a fitness walking in the park or on quiet streets, without heavy traffic. Step up the pace and walking should gradually turning into a habit classes. Learn to breathe correctly while walking: 7 Steps to a breath, then exhale for 7 steps. Keep shoulders straightened, do not lower your head, the chin should be raised. Half-hour walk will not only help your posture and harmony, but also great influence on the psyche, you will find peace and tranquility.

Particularly useful may be walking in shallow water. If you live near the sea or a river, do not miss the opportunity to walk on summer knee-deep water along the shore. Within a few minutes you will notice as participation pulse, tired muscles. Regular walking will strengthen your leg muscles, improve blood circulation and condition of the veins in the legs, thighs, buttocks and abdomen will become more elastic.

It is very useful to walk barefoot on the sand or grass (within the city it can be dangerous because of the glasses). Such walks strengthen the muscles of feet and calf massage happens dozens of biologically active points on the feet. May be completed with normal walking exercise: walk on your heels or toes, walk on the inner or outer side of the foot.

Tags: fitness, figure, grass, walk, sand, walking