How to remove zone breeches

How to remove zone breeches
 "Breeches", "ears" - the so-called fat deposits on the hips. Get rid of them is difficult, but for aspiring women nothing is impossible. Remove "breeches" help exercises aimed at correcting the outside of the thigh, massage and proper nutrition.

To achieve harmony hips and get rid of the hated "breeches", every day to do the following exercises:

-Iskhodnoe Position (IP) - lying on the side, lean on the forearm, pelvis should be raised. Raise the upper leg 20 cm hold 10 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times. Also do the other leg.

Ip - Standing up straight, arms along the body. Lunge left foot to the side and down into the squat. Slowly pulling the leg back to the initial position Repeat 10 times. Then do the exercise for the right leg.

Ip - Standing up straight, feet shoulder width apart. Hands to pull forward and slowly squat with his head down. Exercise the abdominal muscles to pull, climb to an initial position be slow. Repeat 10 - 15 times.

Self-massage with the use of anti-cellulite speed up the process of getting rid of "breeches." It can be done using silicone banks. By oiled massage oil or cream skin should be inching jar, making circular and zigzag motion. Massage course should consist of 15 procedures, do they need in a day.

Your thighs are slim, you need to stick to a balanced diet. Turn the menu fruits and vegetables, dairy products, bran bread, greens, boiled fish, chicken. Give up salty foods, fried, spicy. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits and berries.

Effective means to eliminate the fat on the thighs is an oil wrap. It can be done at home.

Pour on essential oils: 3 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of juniper oil, 3 drops of lavender oil. Take 20 ml of base oil (almond, olive, jojoba, peach), add the mixture of essential oils.

The oil composition must be applied to the hips, wrap film and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and rub moisturizer.

Tags: breeches, a process thigh area, sediment disposal