How to remove the stomach with the help of massage

How to remove the stomach with the help of massage
 Female belly - very treacherous place. Even the slender girls often see small roundness. What can we say about those who are inclined to corpulence. Have to exert a lot of effort to get rid of body fat. And in this case, the assistance may come massage.
 Massage - really a miracle cure, it affects the whole body, affecting not only the problem areas. Of course, it is better for a massage in a special center, but it is associated with significant financial costs. However, you can learn on their own and massage to remove belly fat.

Anti-cellulite massage is very effective way to fight fat. First you need to warm up the skin of the abdomen. This is done by rubbing dry with the help of massage gloves or brushes. Massage need to move in a circle, pointing to his heart, long before the appearance of a light redness. Such rubbing good in and of themselves, as a way to combat cellulite.

Now begins the actual massage. Gentle movements also - in a circle and toward the heart massage the abdomen. Of course, it would be better if you apply massage oil or fat cream for the body. Abdominal area is processed with the pressure, but without excessive force. Squeeze fist and massage the body protruding knuckles on the skin of the abdomen. You can also perform a direct motion with his hand clenched fingers, just gently pressing force count.

Very good herding fat is massage movements - pinch a fold of skin between your thumb and forefinger and passes it through his fingers, running her hands along the body. In this case, you will experience quite painful, but over time they will become less.

Another great views of massage is honey. To perform this test is necessary absolutely natural honey. It should be fairly liquid (you can melt in a water bath). Apply it on your hands and start making quite intense pat on the stomach. Honey begins to thicken, stick to the body. Accordingly, your palms will break away from the belly with some effort. Occurs vacuum massage. Next, the body begins to form a white foam. Do not worry - this is an indication that everything goes right. Wash away the foam and repeat the procedure. Need to perform a massage for 10-15 minutes. The skin will be red, perhaps bruising, but it's not terrible. At the end of the massage, take a warm, but not hot shower. Honey massage can perform in a day, the course of 12-14 sessions.

Tags: domestic, condition, stomach, massage, help