How to remove the sides by a hoop

How to remove the sides by a hoop
 Appearance at the waist and sides fatty layers perceived very painful - these "ears" is very difficult to remove, you need to do regularly and follow a diet. Well with the fat on the sides of the hoop classes - the load goes directly to problem areas.
 To exercise to be effective, it is necessary to choose the correct hoop. The higher the growth, the larger the diameter of the hoop should be - put it in front of him and secure. If he comes to you to the level of the lower edge, then this is your size. If you are just starting to do, then take a light model, and if you need more intensity, then fit with a weighted hula hoop. Availability massage balls increases the intensity of training, as is the activation of blood circulation and additional study of tissues.

Before you start exercising, a little mash - do some slopes, pull muscles can jump or run. Take a few minutes breathing exercises - so you prostimuliruete abdominal muscles and prepare them for the load.

Turn right hoop - clockwise rotating torso too. Pelvis and chest should be fixed, feet should be as close as possible to each other, hook the hands behind the head - watch this during exercise. By training should begin only with an empty stomach, so it is best to turn the hoop in the morning, before breakfast. If you want to increase the load, try to twist a few hoops at the same time. We have to work hard and long to achieve results, so you have to learn basic techniques.

If you feel that the hoop starts to fall, then start to accelerate rotation. You may be able to sit down and sat bolt upright - hoop skaknet up. The body is required to protect the clothes, because bruising on the sides after training happens often, especially in the early days. Your movements should be soft and smooth, jerk, you can hurt your back. Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts and continue to use the hoop with weights - that such models are well removed fat from the sides. Fixes the position of the hoop in those places to be correct - if you feel pain, you just release the projectile or lift and twist it a few seconds at this level. Try to keep up the pace to be the most comfortable for you.

Tags: help side hoop hulahup