How to remove the "breeches" on hips

How to remove the "breeches" on hips
 This "decoration" appears due to insufficient blood flow. In those places where the blood stagnates, formed body fat. For example, in the knee does not accumulate fat, as occurs during walking movement of the blood vessels. Therefore, the main objective in this case is - made to move blood through the area of ​​the lateral surface of the thighs.
 To correct the shape of the hips and getting rid of "breeches" need to perform special exercises. One lesson to be about half an hour a week they should be carried out in numbers - three or four.

Warm-up: a bit like the place. Raising the knees, rotate the leg in position "heel-toe". It is important that both hands involved in the movement. After completing this walking for a minute or two, do ladders steps. Total warm-up part of the complex should take 5-7 minutes.

The main part of the exercise: Lie on your left side, his head resting on his left arm outstretched. Bend your knees slightly. Raise your left leg up to hip level and lower. Scheme of exercise: up - exhale, down - breath. Take two approaches for each leg 20 times.

In order to strengthen internal and external thighs, do this exercise: Lie on your back and place the feet shoulder width apart. Lift the hips so that your body forms a single line. Breath dilute the knees, on the breath is reduced. Perform two sets of 20 times each.

Complete the main part of the training of the gluteal muscles. Lie on your back, knees bent legs put on the floor. Lift the left leg and buttocks begin to straighten and bend the leg. On the exhale - straighten, inspiratory - bend. Buttocks and abdomen keep on their toes. Repeat the exercise 20 times, then change legs. Perform two approaches on each leg.

That, at the end of a workout, relax and stretch the muscles, lie on your back, in turn, lift the feet, hands, hook the same under the knees and legs breed apart. Do not bend your knees. On the exhale, relax your leg muscles.

 You can do another exercise: Lie on your left side, his head resting on his hand. Take your right hand behind your right foot and pull the buttocks. Inhale and hold your breath for a few seconds. Relax on the exhale. Repeat the same on the right side with the left arm and leg.

In addition to the set of exercises still need to eat right. The diet is simple - no fat, sweet and fried. Eat often, small portions (5-6 times a day).
Good help and anti-cellulite massage: easy - at home, deep - in a special compartment.

Tags: breeches, thigh