Sex for weight loss

Sex for weight loss
 The debate about whether sex promotes weight loss, being a long time. Some say that certainly contributes, moreover, provide examples. Others respond that trying to lose weight with the help of sex - at least unethical. After all, this is a manifestation of love, and use it for such purposes unworthy. However, the fact remains that during sex burns a considerable amount of calories, so pohudatelnye effect occurs in any case, whatever the ethical views of practicing this kind of physical activity.

Of course, nobody calls "armed" partner and treat sex as a workout in the gym - to set new records, relentlessly closer to his goal - the numbers on the scale. But if so the effect is still the case ... Why not take advantage! After an active sex people, if you do not fall asleep, the feeling of hunger. And do not be too hard to satisfy him, then weight loss is assured.

At the same time, during the actual sexual act is not spent as much energy as we would like to believe the adherents of the theory of sex for weight loss. For the most part, the effect is psychological. After all, the most common cause of overeating - a lack of positive emotions, frustration that people are trying to seize. With the delicious food they receive is necessary every enjoyment of life. But if the sexual life of a person in order to eat something extra dope fun as sweets and other "bad" foods is not necessary.

As increased consumption of calories, and much more pleasure from sex can be obtained only by engaging them actively. Just lie on your back, allowing the partner "prove themselves" - this approach ensures not only a lack of good sex and pleasure from it, but also provides a minimum power consumption. To be able to have sex without getting tired, and taking those poses that you want, you can optionally do some exercises.

The effect of sex is due to the fact that after intercourse significantly improved sleep, relieves stress, because it improves the intellectual abilities of people, the body more completely at rest. This not only more efficient energy consumption, but people look much younger than they really are. Sex promotes healing of the body, no doubt about it. And if excessive fullness - is an unhealthy phenomenon, making love to help cope with it.

Tags: sex, use, weight loss