Fat on the abdomen and legs: how to effectively get rid

Fat on the abdomen and legs: how to effectively get rid
 The female body has been created taking into account the nature of the main functions - procreation. It is to protect the future progeny fat women concentrated in the lower body. And get rid of those extra inches is very difficult, because it is a genetic predisposition.
 The body begins to consume fat reserves on the abdomen and thighs at the very least, so training should be regular and intense.

To actively burn fat reserves, alternate work on the elliptical trainer with jumping rope. Work on a simulator with moderate intensity. ION - 5-6, with a load you can talk with a visible effort. Put one foot at a rate of 120 steps per minute or more for 3 minutes.

Then go to jumping rope. Jump must intensively rate - from 75 to 100 jumps per minute. When this load must be higher than the simulator. While jumping ION - 7, you will be hard to pronounce certain words. Hours - 2 minutes.

Alternate jumping and trainer for 25 minutes. Note that jumping rope for two minutes - this is a very intensive workload. Be prepared for the fact that you will have shortness of breath and breaks a sweat.

After an intense cardio perform strength exercises. At this time, your body actively burns fat cells and power load will further tighten the muscles and reduce the amount.

Stand facing a step platform. Pick up a dumbbell weight 2, 5 - 5 kg. Press the dumbbells to your shoulders, palms expand inside. Put your left foot on the platform. Make sure that the knee was just above the ankle. Push down on the floor right leg. Straighten your left leg and pull your right knee to your chest. Then return the right foot on the floor, the left remains on the platform. Do not place your right foot on the floor completely. It is enough to touch the floor with the toe. Perform 15-20 lifts for one leg and the same for the other. This is one approach. Do three sets with 30 seconds rest between them. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs active, press and lower back.

To further develop the press, sit on a gymnastic bench. Place your hands in the seat. Pinch between the feet dumbbell weighing 1, 5-2 kg and stretch your legs in front of him. Strain the press, hold back straight. Hold burdening feet, bring your knees to your chest, pause for a second and return to starting position, straightening the legs. Do not immerse your feet on the floor. Repeat 15-20 times. Gradually complicate exercise: lift the dumbbell straight legs as high as possible. To keep your balance, you can slightly move his arms and reject the case back.

Do not forget that burn fat only by means of exercise can not. Be sure to reconsider your diet menu and cut by 10-15%. Do not try to lose weight once and much more. Lose weight by one kilogram per week, and this weight you will not return.

Tags: leg, fat, belly, exercise, thigh