For weight loss is very important proper metabolism, which will help to normalize the oil of grapefruit, lemon, juniper, ginger, rosemary, cypress and geranium. Among other things, this oil derive the excess fluid from the body. Cardamom and fennel get rid of hunger that haunts those who are trying to reduce the number of calories consumed. Drip 2-3 drops of oil of juniper on a slice of bread - it will help the body eliminate excess fluid and get rid of toxins.
When losing weight is very important to keep your skin in good shape, not letting it droop. Here to help essential oils of orange, grapefruit, jasmine, anise, cypress, lemon and patchouli. They can be added to the bath: 7-8 drops of oil to dissolve in a glass of milk and add to the water a comfortable temperature. After 20 minutes, take a shower and rub into the skin nourishing and anti-cellulite cream with the addition of 2-3 drops of the same oil. Bath with essential oils is most effective to take in the morning for 3-4 weeks.
With essential oils massage can do: Take 13 drops of cypress oil, 12 - juniper and 50 ml of jojoba oil, mix gently with a glass rod. Now rub the skin resulting mixture, focusing on problem areas. For other options need massage oil orange oil: Take 6-10 drops and add them to the massage cream. Stretch marks can be removed if rubbed into the skin grapefruit oil, but it should be done regularly.
Essential oils are especially effective in the wrap, which can be done even at home. Dissolve 2-3 tbsp clay with warm water until thick cream, then add 1 tablespoon grape seed oil or almond, apply a thin layer on the body and wrap with cling film. Wear warm clothes on top and cover with a woolen blanket, to enhance the "greenhouse" effect. After 2 hours, remove the foil and take a shower. Additionally apply to the skin massage or nutritious oil. Wraps have to do a course on one procedure per day for 2 weeks.
Inhaling certain essential oils can reduce appetite. It's very simple: hold one nostril and the other make strong breath. Wolfish appetite cope with help of peppermint oil, vanilla, cinnamon or apple green.
Essential oils - a nice way to get rid of excess weight, but be careful - most oils sold in concentrated form, so just follow the proportions and dosage. Pregnancy and some diseases is not recommended to use aromatic oils.