Breathing exercises for weight loss

Breathing exercises for weight loss
 "To lose weight, you need to breathe" - this statement may seem fantastic, but not to people familiar with the techniques of breathing exercises. The positive effect of exercise based on acceleration of metabolism and thus enhancing the combustion of fats.
 According to some doctors, breathing exercises helps burn almost a half times more fat than jogging. First of all it is necessary sedentary and obese people. Breathing exercises not only helps them lose weight, but also increases the vital capacity of the lungs and stimulates the internal organs. We trained people after school respiratory gymnastics tired muscles recover faster.

The system of exercises Bodyflex - one of the most popular in the world. It helps to form a muscular corset and tightened figure. Bodyflex is best suited for people never play sports or are recovering from childbirth and injuries. Do the exercises every day and you must be sure to fasting.

Breathing technique Bodyflex system is as follows: first an exhalation, then - take a deep breath and blow with cries of "groin". Then the breath is delayed by 8-10 seconds, during which the exercises.

One of the exercises Bodyflex - "Diamond". For his performance, stand to the starting position: legs slightly apart, arms down, knees bent at. After the breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull your stomach, straighten up and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Round the hands in front of him and lock so that only the fingers touching. Then start to press your fingertips on each other. Save voltage 8 seconds, then - relax. Return to starting position and repeat 3 times. This exercise tightens the muscles of the arms, especially - on the inside of the forearm.

Contraindicated breathing exercises Bodyflex people with retinal detachment, diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure.

Breathing exercises oksisayz helps in burning fat because of intense internal abdominal muscles. Type of exercise in this system more benign than in the Bodyflex so oksisayz recommended for patients with diseases of the digestive tract and migraines. This is useful breathing exercises for women. It can be performed during pregnancy and in the female reproductive system diseases.

The principle lessons oksisayz similar to Bodyflex. Procedure for basic exercises like this: do a quick breath, wide smile, relax your abdominal muscles as much as possible, and then - retract it as closely as possible squeeze the muscles of the buttocks and make three short breaths through the nose. Then - exhale, pouting lips and feel the muscle tension in the chest. After a long exhalation to do three more short to empty the lungs completely. Only then can relax all your muscles.

Besides the above-described breathing exercises there are others. For example, the system of yoga breathing for "Uddiyana bandha" methods Strelnikova, Buteyko Frolov. But whatever one you choose, regular exercise and strengthen the body healthier, disciplines and help you comply with the correct mode of the day. And this is - the first step to beauty and health!

Tags: gymnastics, Bodyflex, oksisayza