Why the French do not get fat?

 Why did the French, who are considered the most-most gurmankami in the world, have no problems with the figure? This riddle opens journalist Mireille Galliano in his book Why the French do not get fat ?.

Madame Galliano, who had in his youth problems with being overweight due to excessive love for hamburgers and croissants, says Parisian grace unmatched reach no self-restraint, not a fitness club and the most severe diets, and love of life and love for cooking. And she knows what he is talking. At age 19, Mireille went to study in America. Thanks to the American way of life of the fragile teen girl turned, by definition, his father, a "sack of potatoes."

The family doctor gave the girl a few tips and she was able to climb back to his old swimsuit. Mireille Galliano, by the way, until recently headed the trading house champagne "Veuve Clicquot" is still a slim lady. At the same time she has to attend to 300 dinners a year. She also loves to cook and feast on sweets and biscuits.

But the basic rules, which, according to Galliano, must comply with the lady to stay slim forever:

Analyze This

Three weeks in a row record in a notebook that, in what quantities and when you eat. The only way you can get a complete picture of their habits and purposefully to fight the fat.

Enjoy French

Analyze your entry and select dishes that bring you the most pleasure. In the future, do not give up on them, just avoid the cheap and tasteless food. Watch out for products that give up too large portions that whatsoever. For each meal period of at least 20 minutes.

Be choosy

Learn to be picky eaters. Better fried their filet of fresh meat than cook something from semi-finished products. A small portion of food exquisitely lay on a plate. And be sure to eat a day to two packs of yogurt.

Like onions

Bow - a truly magical vegetable that stimulates metabolism, displays the body of water and 48 hours deprives you of two - three pounds. The recipe is. Take a kilo of green onions, cut off and discard the feathers. Turnip immersed in a liter of boiled water for 20 minutes and drink a glass every two hours for two days. If you get tired of this option, you can turnip pour olive oil, season with spices and lemon juice and eat in unlimited quantities.

Move more

Stylish Ladies, never as fools, do not sweat in the gym. French women do not have the time nor the desire, but they are always in motion. They walk a lot on foot and rise to the top by the stairs, avoiding the elevators. When sedentary work have to strain his tummy, and in the morning to do squats and indulge in a little dumbbell. The best training legs and ass.

Keep the style even in everyday life

French - ladies busy. However, they find the time to go to the market to buy fresh produce, and that one of them to cook. French despise fast food and do not go for lunch in the cafe, and take with you to work a sandwich or salad. But they dine with family or friends for the full program: a minimum of four courses and a glass of dry wine. However, portions are small, without bread, instead of potatoes and rice are served with vegetables. After a hearty dinner they were not there and then flop into bed and go for a walk before going to bed in the evening Paris.

Of course, the author did not mention the real secret Parisians - coffee and cigarette "diet", which, unfortunately, works flawlessly. But such a diet, we do not recommend to anyone.


Tags: age, Frenchwoman