Psychological causes of overeating

Psychological causes of overeating
 Overweight - the subject of a bitter struggle of thousands of women. However, to get rid of unwanted pounds, you should, first of all, to eliminate the cause. Overeating often has a psychological basis for - a key factor leading to obesity and other health problems.
 In most cases, the reasons for overeating are rooted in childhood settings. High-calorie diet, the requirement to eat everything put on a plate, eating in front of TV and sweets as a reward - all this creates the wrong eating behavior. Combat these stereotypes must be planned. Reduce the amount of servings, do not be afraid to throw the excess food without regret, during a meal is not distracted by anything else. And, of course, does not reward yourself for a cake dropped pounds or other achievements.

In the daily hustle and bustle, filled with all sorts of stress and emotions, delicious food is a source of pleasure and this antidepressant. Many delicious raise blood levels of endorphins (hormone of joy). In addition, the process of eating can turn into a beautiful ritual, from which it is difficult to refuse. Many people suffering from obesity, are not ready to deprive yourself of this pleasure quite consciously.

Restrictions on food, typical of the past, can have a direct impact on overeating in the present. Lack of funds for nutrition, lack of delicious foods in the stores, the need to share the goodies: such problems for a long time form a stable complex. Abundant food compensates psychological discomfort, firmly anchored in the subconscious. This cause can be exacerbated by the desire to have a very expensive and harmful products: fatty delicacies, exquisite desserts.

Oddly enough, one of the causes of overeating is the desire to lose weight and eat less. Body perceives food restrictions as a signal that you need to stock up and consume more. In addition, during the diet, you can subconsciously feel sorry for yourself and as soon as possible giving free rein to his appetite. However, do not berate yourself for overeating: a sense of guilt in this case only worsen the situation.

Tags: weight, nutrition, psychology, overeating, cause overeating, appetite