Proper nutrition for weight loss

Proper nutrition for weight loss
 Proper nutrition - it's compliance with the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For each age the ratio of their own. In the development of diet plan should be considered as a way of life, motor activity, even the time of year. And to make the perfect diet can only be experienced nutritionist. But there are some principles that apply to all variants of proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition for every day what should be on the menu

Optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 60h10h30. That is one hundred percent of the daily diet should prevail lean meat, cheese, poultry, eggs. These products give the body a feeling of satiety for a long time. A small percentage of fat is needed in the menu to vitamins and minerals contained in fruits and vegetables, are better absorbed. Some of them, such as vitamin A oil without useless, they are not absorbed into the bloodstream without binder, for example a vegetable oil. Thirty percent of the carbohydrates needed to provide energy. If a person is actively involved in sports, it is possible to increase the number of. But all carbohydrates should be taken as food or up to twelve hours of the day, or hour and a half before a workout. Then, they are easily converted into energy, not the subcutaneous fat. In addition, one must understand that there are complex carbohydrates - fruits and vegetables, which contribute to weight loss. And there are simple - flour products, sugar, bread - which are able to provide energy for a short time without bringing any benefit.

People suffering from various diseases during the transition to proper nutrition you need to consult a doctor.

Proper nutrition for every day. Sample menu

Better dining for 3-4 hours before bedtime. The food has time to digest and not postponed in fat.

Breakfast in the nutrition rich in carbohydrates. Porridge on the water, whole grain bread, fruit and vegetables - all this can be consumed in the morning. So that the body felt light, not combine these products with proteins.

Lunch - a full meal. Depending on your preferences it can consist of a salad and a main dish or soup and snacks. Guided by the principle 60h10h30, choose the right recipe. You should not eat fatty pork with buckwheat, all washed down with sweet compote. In this embodiment, a clear preponderance of fat and sugar. Hard to stomach the food is better to replace chicken, turkey, veal. A sugary drinks and soda - tea and mineral water. Very soon you will realize that this food is not only promotes weight loss, but also regains health.

Dinner in nutrition should be easy, better single component. For example, cottage cheese or coleslaw. Or a couple of eggs. The presence of only one product can guarantee that a lot of it you will not eat. Especially carbohydrates, inciting appetite for dinner prohibited.

Tags: diet, nutrition, weight loss, sports, direct