Is it worth it to live in an unhappy marriage for the sake of the children?

Is it worth it to live in an unhappy marriage for the sake of the children?
 Life changes people, their character and demeanor, mindset and attitude towards others. After a few years of marriage, a man and a woman may find that living together does not bring them joy and that together they are more out of habit. Children complicate the situation, because to raise and educate their mother and father should. Ponder many couples decide to keep the family together for the sake of the child.
 Each situation needs an individual approach, psychoanalysts long analyze the situation in which there were husband and wife, before giving advice and recommendations. But if the couple feel uncomfortable with each other, they have nothing to say, they wistfully think of bygone years, it is worth thinking about divorce.

There will be no benefit to children if they are every day will be watching squabbling parents. The child will develop a completely wrong idea about the relationship in marriage. This negative impression postponed in the subconscious, and this pattern of behavior will be transferred to his family.

When parents love each other, long and happy talk, spend weekends together, only then is the correct grade education of children by the example of mom and dad. Do you have a chance to create a happy family, the child saw the happy faces around him.

Of course, no need to forbid the other parent to educate kids. It is only necessary to warn him that he did not express his negative attitude about you. Do not throw mud at her ex-husband. When your children grow up, they will appreciate the actions of the mother and father do not need to adjust them to the conflict.

If you decide to save the marriage for the sake of the kids, you will lose a few more years of life. These years would pass in joy, in love and fellowship with really close to you in spirit man. But now you need a more responsible approach to the choice of a life partner, to once again not to injure the psyche of children.

No need to look for a replacement in advance and run on dates a secret from her husband, the atmosphere of lies will not benefit your new relationship and communication with the child hurt. Make sure that the process of separation and divorce was as amicable as possible. Be sure to explain to children what is happening. Do not lie, just tell your story of life and relationship with their father.

Children - very sensitive and wise beings, they will support you and help you overcome depression. Spend more time to communicate with the kids, walking outdoors. Perhaps it was on the playground and you meet a lonely handsome man with a child who needs your love and affection.

Tags: child, family, divorce, marriage, preservation

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