Products from stress

Products from stress
 As stated in a wise proverb, some live to eat, while others - eat to live. Unfortunately, the latter group is much smaller. But products can actually have a different impact on our body: some calm, others cheer, some useful there in the morning, others are better left for the evening, and so on. Women's magazine JustLady, taking care of mental balance its readers, tried to distinguish among them special, quite important group - products against stress.  

These days, everyone's life is full of bustle and stress, the constant lack of time leads to depression and stress. And here it is important to know a few simple rules that will help to make the diet so as not to overload the body of excess work.

Products from stress: food rules

First, I would like to pay attention to a few general rules. Being in a state of stress is best to choosedigestible foods rich in vitamins and minerals. There are many, trying to drown out the stress - not exit. That is, if you eat a large portion of high-calorie food, it is clear that at the time you have to forget about stress ... because of indigestion. In the state of stress of the body can not properly process the food and, consequently, a malfunction occurs.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that in your diet was normalthe ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Does not impoverish diet, eating fast food. Firstly, as already mentioned, for the stomach hard, and secondly, in the long run, you can amass a problem with excess weight because of the stress.

Include in daily dietat least five types of fruits and vegetables of those that you find in the listproducts from stress. They will help to survive the hunger between meals and enrich your table vitamins.

If desired, immediately seize failure, refer to the milk and dairy products, Low-fat varieties. Firstly, it contains calcium and magnesium, which are naiperveyshimi assistants stress. Secondly, you do not load the stomach too much.

For dinner good cook something rich in starch, such as spaghetti - this will allow you to quickly go to sleep, rather than tossing and turning, thinking about problems. With regard to alcohol, then a thousand times proved thatalcohol in large amounts of stress does not help. And ultimately leads to more serious problems. However, a glass of red wine or a glass of good quality brandy you do not hurt from time to time.

Products from stress: it is better to have

List of products made in such a way as to enrich the diet with vitamins and minerals, able to compensate for the damage stress, and promotes the development of substances in the body that can actually deal with this condition.

Anti-stress products: vegetables, fruits, berries

GreensSpinach, beans, broccoli supply of vitamin B complex, which are sent directly to the fight against stress. As is known, these vitamins are normally maintained in our skin, hair, improves metabolic processes.

Tomatoes - A realproduct of stress. In addition to vitamins, they contain phenylalanine beneficial agent which, in turn, slows the decay endorphin - good hormones.

Oranges and citrus rich in vitamin C - an indispensable element for the body. In addition, one smell oranges and tangerines can lift your mood.

Blueberry - A storehouse of antioxidants and vitamin C. Antioxidants are essential in times of stress. They help to fight in particular with the consequence of painful tension, as the aging of the body to help regulate metabolism.

Food against stress: milk

As already mentioned, the milk and milk products is better to choose a reduced fat content. The same goes for cheese and cottage cheese. Abandon this product group can not in any case, they provide the body with calcium, which in times of stress disappears from the bones and hair with amazing speed.

Products from the stress of meat and fish

Protein is necessary always, and particularly stressful periods in time. Meat is better to chooselean beef. Poultry is preferableturkey and chicken. Turkey meat contains all the same phenylalanine and tryptophan have chicken, promoting the production of serotonin.

Fish preferable just more fat. It will enrich the diet of essential fatty acids and B vitamins involved in the formation of serotonin. Most useful in this regardsalmon, trout, mackerel. Do not neglect and seafood such as crabs, squid, various seafood mollyuski.Polza increase many times, if you will use it together with algae, seaweed.

Food against stress: cereals and nuts

As a side dish or self-grain foods you fitrice and pasta durum. They contain large amounts of complex carbohydrates, vitamin B, can permanently cope with hunger and do not load the stomach.

Eat nuts. They contain vitamins help produce serotonin, struggling with the side effects of stress, such as the accumulation of free radicals and aging.

Products from stress: sweets and drinks

If you really want sweet, eatsome chocolate. This refers to the present quality chocolate, not sweet tile, stuffed with fillings. Sometimes you can affordice cream coneAs a source of calcium and a good mood.

As for drinks, pay attentiongreen teaVery helpful in all respects drink. Just in time stress is useful to drinkginger broth with lemon juice. Alcoholic beverages only good quality and in homeopathic doses.

Food against stress: condiments and spices

Herbs can lift your mood, improve digestion. Just keep in mind that too hot and spicy dishes can badly affect the stomach, so do not eat anything at night and do not get too carried away with spices. But various herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro, etc.) you will only benefit.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: stress, the product