How to wean have a sweet tooth

How to wean have a sweet tooth
 The human body is full of mysteries, and one of them is irresistible craving for sweets. It is known that they can seriously harm. Grow out of sweets is not so easy, but if you want it is possible.
 Link to eat sweets can develop in people of any age and gender. He may pursue human life, or to appear in one day.

Take away from home all the sweets. To reduce the amount of sugar, it is important not to see the tempting cakes, candy and other sweets. Get rid of stocks, spread out on tables and drawers - give them to relatives, friends, or take it to a charitable organization. And, of course, it is important not to try to fill this gap - give up shopping trips sweets and candy departments in supermarkets.

Do not eat sweets in the morning. Try to give up sweet buns for a morning cup of tea or coffee, and you will notice that throughout the day sweets will want much less.

Drink water. Choke the attacks of acute desire to eat something sweet glass of clean water. Try to drink throughout the day five - six glasses, and your stomach is filled with the sweet forget.

Switch to fruit. Get necessary for the body fructose from natural sources. Replace sweets on your favorite fruits. Every apple, eating a piece of cake instead of a positive effect on your body. Gradually, you will forget about the extra weight, health problems and a bad mood.

If you can not give up a couple of tea spoons of sugar, there is no need to push yourself and limit - because it did not come out good. Just add a spoon in a cup of honey. Palatability of the beverage only improve, and the effect of honey on human health very positive.

Cause cravings for sweets can be a reduction in the level of chromium - an element that regulates energy expenditure. In this regard, there is an irresistible craving for carbohydrates. Therefore, you have two problems: use the "right" glucose from fruits and compensate for the deficiency of chromium. Chromium keep in broccoli, little idea, oranges and potatoes.

Tags: sweet, sweetness