How to tame your appetite

How to tame your appetite
 Every morning, you give yourself a promise to engage and start a new life literally tomorrow. But the evening comes, and you go ... familiar road to the kitchen to the refrigerator. And again cram so that gum home pants is about to burst. It seems there is nothing that could beat your appetite.  

Are you afraid of nightfall, pass by pastry departments in the stores with his eyes closed, but once again breaks down and fill the fridge smoked sausage, chicken legs and cakes. How to beat the feeling of hunger? How to find a "humane" way to trick the body and snacks so that food is not found refuge on the thighs or buttocks?

First of all, get yourself together and do not panic. Hunger - it's natural, do not be afraid of evening snacks, they may be safe for the figure, if you know what you can eat.

If long breaks between meals you carry extremely hard, eat more often, for example, 5 times a day, but at the same time reduce the portions. Remember the cardinal rule - always have breakfast, it energize you for the day. If there is absolutely no appetite in the morning, eat breakfast later, during lunch. In any case, do not leave all the most nutritious and calorie food for the evening for dinner. It is desirable to have dinner no later than 5 hours before bedtime.

Quite impossible to win appetite, it can be put to sleep for a while. For example, brush your teeth, when you feel an irresistible urge to look into holodilnrk at bedtime. An hour and a half it will help.

Try not to keep the house provoking foods: candy, soda and other goodies. Of course, if a family has children, it is very difficult. Try substituting dried fruit sweetness. For example, instead of eating sweets dried apricots - and she is sweet and helpful.

When hunger pangs try to drink tiny sips of hot water with lemon. This recipe is suitable only for those who have no problems with the stomach. If you want to dizziness sweet, add a tiny spoonful of honey.

If after dinner took very little time, and you have already pulled the fridge, then you can drink yogurt or eat an apple, but always together with seeds - they are rich in iodine. Blunt the feeling of hunger for a while and help decoction of parsley: a small bunch of parsley to make a glass of boiling water. Drink small sips.

Throw bad habits like seeds evening on the couch watching TV. You would think that it is a trifle, but the body does not think so, and in fact you eat again, and thoughtlessly and unconsciously.

If you stick to a diet and lose weight, hang in the kitchen his most successful pictures and photos shapely, toned girls in bathing suits. Every time you want to make a night devastating raid on the fridge, beauties will reproachful look at you, your form and a plate with cake in hand.

Try to fight with gusto force: it wanted to eat candy - lie on the floor and doing exercises for the abs, while the thought of sweet not evaporate.

Fight for health, for the tightened figure without fat, because as the saying goes, a rolling stone gathers no moss. Remember, your waist centimeters depend on you.

Tags: appetite, night