How to stop thinking about food

How to stop thinking about food
 Food occupies a very important place in human life. But some food is converted into a cult, become manic dependent on delicacies and sweets. This leads to serious health and rapid weight gain. Food should not be the enemy of man or his greatest happiness. To contend with constant thoughts of food (if they are not caused by constant hunger) can and should be.
 Causes of obsessive thoughts about food can be both physiological (poor diet, lack of vitamins and nutrients, hunger) and psychological (depression, stress, complexes that "jam" sweets). Think about what causes constant desire to have in your case.

Adhere to certain rules in the diet. Strict restrictions, a sharp transition to a rigid diet, perhaps, a good way to lose weight, but it will only aggravate the problem, forcing you to think about food day and night. To get rid of this habit, it is important to gradually change your diet. Also, you need to make sure that the food was the most complete and varied, so that the body lacked all substances for proper operation.

If your menu will consist of several small portions of different dishes, the thought of food will visit you much less, because psychologically you will feel like you ate a lot. General human psychology plays an important role in the development of these bad habits, and that it interferes rid of them. For example, aside from eating prevents the need to cook dinner for the whole family and there with the others, not allowing yourself to the occasional slice. Try to trick your body - eat small spoon, drink plenty of fluids. If you cook for yourself, you will be easier - do not hold home extra food, sweets "guest" when there is no temptation, it is easier to control their desires.

Eat several times a day in small portions, so that the body does not have time to get hungry. If hunger is still there, drink a glass of kefir or Eat an apple. A good way to trick the stomach - a drink of water.

Think for yourself some interesting exercise that will allow you to escape. For example, every time there is a need to open the fridge, go for a walk - fresh air relieve nervous tension. Generally spend more time away from home - start to attend interest clubs, go shopping, choose a hobby, organize nature trips (do not bring picnic baskets with food!). When a person is really interested in something, he stops thinking about food.

Work out, while jogging or exercising the thought of delicious attend less often as people focused on physical activity, and then you will feel fitter and healthier. The first results will be a good incentive to continue employment, and soon the desire to eat a chocolate bar or a hamburger leave you.

Tags: food, feelings, thoughts, hunger