How to satisfy your hunger without food

How to satisfy your hunger without food
 Hunger - the most unpleasant and painful feeling in the diet. To cope with it very difficult and sometimes even impossible. But it all depends on your will power and desire to get good body shape. To some "neutralize enemy" help cunning tricks.
 It should be immediately noted that hunger can only be fully 24 hours 2 times a week. Otherwise, the body adapts to starvation conditions, and will be reserved fat in those days, in which you will have, and thus the process of losing weight will fall into one place. If you're just trying to increase the amount of time between meals, then you can safely proceed.

Cold water with a slice of lemon - a wonderful way to defeat hunger. Drink a couple of glasses of acidulated water. Lemon juice will stimulate digestion own fat and the liquid fills the stomach and the unpleasant sensation of hunger will leave you alone. But some people acid, on the contrary, provokes appetite, all depends on the individual.

Eat a little ground cinnamon and wash down all the strong green tea. Hunger will cease to bother you for a short period of time. Similarly act and coffee beans. But be careful, take on an empty stomach tonics can be dangerous, because the high risk of pressure increase.

Exercise. During exercise hunger goes because that own stocks begin to be processed and saturate the body. Run, jump, swing the press, but from water treatment refuse, after they certainly had a strong desire to eat.

If you can not stave off hunger, then take special preparations containing sibutramine. Before using them, consult with an endocrinologist. Drink other supplements does not make sense, they are not able to defeat hunger, and you're just wasting not only money but also their time.

Tags: appetite, food, hunger