How to reduce appetite? Preparations, and foods anorectic

 The fight against obesity - not a fad. I do not know how to feel the other ladies who scored more than 20 extra pounds, but I can say from my own experience that it's terrible. And that's not the aesthetic appeal (although it is important too), just physically uncomfortable to move and walk. Everything is a struggle, even banal cleaning the house converted into a torture. Hiking in the mountains, the river and other romantic places, too, do not bring long-awaited joy. And sex is just fabulous godsend ...

Under the heading Basic Instinct: Friendship between man and woman

There are, of course, men who love women in the body, but not too much and not enough of fatties. A larger women is becoming more and more with each passing year: sticking to the television series, semi-finished products, home life - and that of a thin girl we turn into something shapeless. And no matter how justified himself by many, but everyone knows that the root of all evil in our own laziness. Yes, we polneem after birth, but we are able to lose weight and ... Yes, health problems add extra inches, but can also improve health (not talking about severe cases - a separate article). Yes, very much want to eat cakes every day, not just on holidays ... But my mother said as a child: "Do not eat a lot of sweets !!! "And her remark, candy was not sorry.

So what do I do if I'm hungry all the time? And temporary victories over his own stomach turn into total defeat? If it really happened that fantastic appetite, and pull yourself together yourself does not work, one way out - use the variousagents that reduce appetite. Actually the big problems with this at the moment.

Products anorectic we always have. And this does not necessarily pay a lot of money - they cost mere pennies. The same cake, of course within reason, if eat it in the first, will significantly reduce your appetite. The same applies to dried fruits. They are much healthier way to masterpieces of culinary art. Scientists say thatreduce appetite help protein. That is why protein diets are so popular among the people. However, be aware that the protein is often "walks" in a pair with fats. So, smoked sausage and baked hams say, "Goodbye," and begin to love fish and veal. Boiled or steamed.

How to reduce appetite? Preparations, and foods anorectic

Herbs that reduce appetite. With the help of herbs and herbal medicine, many lose weight is becoming more and more supporters. Plus, this means that it is not harmful to the body, herbs envelop the walls of the stomach and the feeling of hunger blunted.

Herbs that reduce appetite, Work in different ways:

1. Flax seed, marshmallow, tincture of propolis on alcohol envelop the stomach and promotes more rapid removal of food from the body. Herbs that reduce appetite, swelling in the stomach and cause a feeling of satiety.
2. The root of Angelica drug has a mild laxative effect, that is part of the food just did not have time to be absorbed by the body, so losing weight is easy and hassle-free.
3. Ligularia sibirica and bladder wrack normalize the activity of the liver, and its ability to break down fat, remove toxins and speed up metabolism.
It should however bear in mind that herbs can cause allergies. Therefore, they need to be applied very carefully.

Drugs that reduce appetite - Children chemical industry, their intended effect in the central nervous system. It should not be forgotten that the side effects they have plenty. If you really really want to lose weight, then you need to chooseagents, anorecticThat are close to the natural processes of exposure. For example, dietary supplements. Quality supplements consist of the same herbs, complex composition which acts on the body. Although known ... and comical stories. One of the means for weight loss, actively advertised on TV, was created on the basis of an extract of sauerkraut. No doubt, sauerkraut, a great thing. It may be used once a week, arranging discharge day for cleaning the body. But to pay for this know-how at $ 100 per package ...

How else to reduce appetite? For example, it is known that fiber creates an artificial feeling of satiety. Italian scientists have developedtablets anorecticThat getting into the stomach swell, thereby blocking the hunger pangs for a few hours. Ingredients miracle pill - pulp and hydrogel, which opened completely by accident - it was a new model of the components of baby diapers. More reputable companies offer a more solid means. Conventionally, tablets blocking appetite can be divided into two groups: serotonin and adrenalin. Both groups act on the nervous system and reduce hunger. They all have a fairly extensive list of side effects. Therefore, we strongly advise to use them only when other means of correction weights were not productive.

Finally. If all efforts at weight loss do not work, be sure to show yourselves to the endocrinologist. Overweight - one of the indicators of thyroid disease or diabetes. I wish you health and beauty. They are inseparable from each other.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: appetite, product, joint, tablet, control, spray, grass, weight loss, review, famine, fighting, drug-lowering drug, acupuncture