How to make yourself not to eat a lot

How to make yourself not to eat a lot
 If you have already been given thousandth promise not to eat a lot, and promised never met, you should reconsider your priorities again. After all, mental anguish, coming after each eaten a piece, do not make anyone happier. Decide once and for all, what is more important: a slim figure, or the pleasure of eating.
 Deceive your stomach with warm water or any other liquid. Brain sometimes confuses thirst with hunger signals, so it's possible that I want to have when you need to drink. Glass of warm water or mineral water with a slice of lemon will kill hunger. Drink two or three cups of water for twenty minutes before a meal and soon notice how employed decreased portion, and the body has become noticeably more slender.

Exercise, particularly load the press. After the load is reduced appetite, and has a period of two hours after exercise are not recommended. Houses can play music and dance, or just jump.

Take a hot bath with salt, foam, aromatic oils. Such bath will help reduce appetite, relax the body. After she did not even want to just walk around the apartment, which means that the chances to reach the refrigerator reduced.

Reduces appetite by using aromas. When you want to eat, smell of grapefruit peel, banana, favorite perfume. To get rid of hunger, best suited floral and fruity scents.

Give full of spices. No salt, pepper and other spices. Firstly, you can not eat a lot of food so, and secondly, salt-free diet will significantly decrease in the volume within one month. During this diet drink mineral water to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.

Remove the high-calorie sweets out of sight. Put prominently washed fruits or vegetables ready to eat.

Chew gum. It will help to deceive appetite. Choose sugar-free gum. With strong attacks of hunger, they - the ambulance.

Brush your teeth as often as possible. This procedure gives a signal to the brain that there is no longer possible. Therefore, immediately after dinner, go to the bathroom so as not to have any desire to eat something for dessert. And if you can, then spend the afternoon and this hygienic procedure.

Work with convictions. Imagine yourself a beautiful and slim, and each time, before you send an extra piece in your mouth, think about whether such a magnificent woman spoil your figure.

Deceive your vision. Pour your own food in small plates. Visually plate looks full, and quite a small portion. During the meal, cut it into small pieces and chew on thirty times. So saturation occurs much faster and maybe even a small portion will be eaten half.

Buy a dress of your dreams for a couple of sizes too small - it's a great incentive to lose weight.

Tags: diet, small