How to make yourself not to eat sweet

How to make yourself not to eat sweet
 Evening tea with cookies and candy for many has become a tradition. There are the lucky ones who eat chocolate and cakes in huge volumes and not fattening. But for many a sweet tooth is not only delight the taste, but those extra pounds that are very difficult to remove.
 For most women, craving for sweets has almost the same value as alcohol or smoking. Fans of mouth-watering delicacies sometimes a very difficult and impossible to refuse a piece of delicious dessert or a piece of chocolate.

You terrify the fullness of American women? They eagerly eat hamburgers and they cramped even clothing size XXXL. Then quickly print a picture of the colorful housewives or cut from the publication of very full of people and hang it in a prominent place photo (refrigerator or cupboard with sweets). Of course, the mind will win sweet temptation. Sometimes it is useful programs about the consequences of excess weight acting on the human psyche completely.

Eat more foods containing protein. It is very satisfying products, and you will not have the desire to try something delicious. If we desire to eat sweet very strong, the snack of vegetables and fruits. They contain a minimum of calories. Drink a cup of milk with a few slices of dried apricots or prunes, or take grainy cottage cheese with nuts. In the role of sugar, you can use a substitute.

Do not purchase anything sweet in the store. So take a certain amount of money, which is only enough for basic food. Always go to the store, eating beforehand not to make hasty purchases. Do not look long at the checkout area where laid out candy and chocolates.

Drink plenty of water. As shown nutritionists if drinking set daily rate of water (about 2, 5-3 liters), the desire of sweet snacks will be gone. Water has a feature to saturate the body, and hunger will be less trouble.

Engage in some useful occupation (read a book, arrange a run, start to knit or draw). This will help to distract from thoughts about sweet.

Tags: sweet, sweetness