How to kill your appetite

How to kill your appetite
 Appetite - the main enemy of losing weight. Can survive and even learn to enjoy trips to the gym, you can learn to drink the allotted amount of water, but to cope with the habit of eating more than you need to maintain a negative calorie balance, is the most difficult. But it is difficult does not mean impossible.
 There are several techniques that help control the appetite for those who are dieting. No, really "kill your appetite" is not worth a try if you want to keep physical and mental health. But adjust their eating habits is not so difficult.

Receiving first. Eat

The reason for hunger pangs, devastating for the refrigerator and your state of mind, lies in the size of your stomach. Perhaps it is slightly stretched due to your wrong food habits. But it is fixable.

Start eating more often. For example, 5-6 times a day, but very small portions. With such frequent meals you do not have time to get hungry in between, and eat will be much less. Eliminate from your diet "junk food" - nuts, chips, crackers, candies and the like. They do not suppress hunger, but only kindle the appetite.

Receiving a second. Drink

Drink water. Try during an attack of hunger to make a few sips of mineral water. You will notice how your appetite immediately subside. Be sure to drink a glass of water before meals. This will allow to eat a little less.

If the attack hunger overtook before bedtime, then pour yourself a green or black tea. Hot liquid soothe the stomach and create a feeling of satiety. For a little while, but it was enough to catch sleep.

Receiving third. Breathe

Aromatherapy - a brilliant tool for calming hunger pangs. Some essential oils have the ability to tame your appetite. These include citrus oils, cinnamon, mint. They can be added to the bath room to use for flavoring or simply inhale directly from the bottle. Would you like cake or a sandwich? Bring a bottle of oil to the nose, take a few breaths, and the desire to disappear.

Of course, the suppression of appetite - a noble and rewarding. But, as in any case, the main thing here - without fanaticism. After anorexia neurosa never sleeps.

Tags: diet, feeling, habit, anorexia, appetite