How to get rid of dependence to sweet

How to get rid of dependence to sweet
 Sweet tooth can not imagine life without chocolate or a delicious pastry. As long as these desires do not affect the health or appearance, no reason to worry. When you begin to realize that "perform beyond" should think about in order to overcome a dependence on sweets.  
 Getting struggle with his addiction, should determine what character it is. There are two basic types of it: physiological and psychological. If you can cope with the first with the help of a doctor's advice, the second has deeper roots and requires more attention.

Physiological dependence on sweet occurs when your body is constantly receiving large doses of glucose. Insulin production in this case also is increased. As soon as you try to reduce consumption, for example, chocolate, glucose becomes insufficient and a headache. Help you in the fight against such a dependence can only doctors who make up an individual diet.

In the event that you do not experience any physical discomfort, abandoning for a few days from the sweets, the relationship you have most likely psychological. Your thoughts keep coming back to chocolate bars, so tempting is located on the shelves of the nearest convenience store. Then you urgently need to redirect their desires in a different direction.

Psychological dependence is most often arises from the periodic consumption of sweets in those moments when you are very happy, or, on the contrary, upset. Scientists have proven that chocolate promotes the formation of the hormone of happiness. After each eaten tiles, you feel the rise of forces. After some time the chocolate becomes the main source of production of this hormone.

To overcome the psychological dependence, no need to limit yourself to the consumption of favorite treats. This will lead to feelings of guilt if you do not hold back and eat the coveted piece. It is best to shift the focus. Begin to play sports. During exercise produces the same hormone that the consumption of chocolate. After a few weeks of active employment you will notice that you can safely limit yourself to the use of sweets, and the desire to constantly gives candy and cookies will disappear by itself.

Tags: sweet, dependence