How to fight off the appetite

How to fight off the appetite
 To lose weight properly and permanently need, first of all, to appease your appetite. Having achieved this, the woman will be filled with a much smaller amount of food. And, most importantly, stop non-stop run to the refrigerator in search of something tasty.
 Salt, seasonings, spices inflame the appetite, but on the contrary reduces the water. Therefore refuse Smoked and salted, which will only make you eat more and drink more pure non-carbonated water.

Chocolate - a great way to deceive hunger. But, of course, for this you need to use a real, bitter chocolate. Milk for this purpose will not do. It is best to take a slice of the mouth and suck it like a lollipop. So you reach greater effect.

What else can you do to "perehotet" is? Chew, for example, a spoonful of dry (skim) milk or drink a decoction of parsley. Good means to cope with a bout of hunger considered tincture figs and plums. For its preparation pour a liter of boiling water 100 g dried fruits. Or eat some stuff prunes. It has the property to fill the stomach, particularly if its water drink. It consists of glucose, which will give you energy and help cope with hunger.

Excellent product to suppress appetite, the use of which will not affect your figure, are: a small piece of cooked chicken (about 60 kcal), a plate of vegetable broth (just over 100 kcal), mug skim milk (you can put it in a couple of spoonfuls of oatmeal) , liquid dish of oatmeal with a little milk and dried fruits (230 kcal), a few tablespoons of boiled buckwheat.

You can extinguish the urge of hunger, rinse your mouth with mint water. To do this, spread a tablespoon of mint liqueur (you can buy it at the pharmacy) in half a glass of water. Rinse your mouth water for 2-3 minutes, or simply brush your teeth with mint toothpaste - it also helps to cope with hunger.

Especially important is to appease an appetite in the evening, because many women claim that simply can not sleep on an empty stomach. In this situation, a glass of low-fat yogurt help, sour milk or simply milk drunk slowly, slowly. So you can fool the body and calm sleep.

Many experts, nutritionists note that not necessarily starve or to comply with a rigid diet to lose weight. Simply do not overeat, controlling your appetite.

Tags: appetite, weight, small correction, reduction