How to eat to be healthy

Meals - the cornerstone of our health. Scientists are investigating the cause of the disease, are convinced that we can reduce the risk of cancer by two-thirds if we stop smoking and eat right.

Low-fat diet

Never before nutritionists and doctors did not know so much about good nutrition. And yet, ironically, has never been so hard to develop this healthy diet. Candy, chocolate and convenient to prepare semifinished products have become the norm. The average woman eats 13 teaspoons of sugar a day, which is 265 calories with low nutritional value (one teaspoon holds 10 grams of sugar, its calorie - 4 kcal / g).

Unfortunately, the manufacturer is more convenient to produce and store reprocessed products than natural, contain beneficial ingredients. Such as fruit or vegetables. Millions are spent on advertising food sales. But one thing is clear: the more processed foods we eat, the less healthy we become. The trouble is that processed foods contain too much sugar, fat and salt - that those things which we have to give up in the name of health.

How to eat right

Remember: eat right - it does not mean simply to reduce food intake. Healthy food - delicious food is a delight, but not weigh tiny portions and no counting of calories.

Nutritionists believe that at least 60% of our energy must come from carbohydrate contained in fruits, vegetables, bread, potatoes and rice, 20-30% of the butter and vegetable oils and 10-20% - of the proteins contained in the nuts and lean meat. Do not be afraid of a huge proportion of fat - it's about the calories that are in oils, but not about their weight.

Currently, women diet contains more fat and protein than required and less carbohydrate. However, a diet rich in starch, having many advantages, may be no less tasty and nutritious. Unfortunately, starch-containing products out of fashion, when the leading nutritionists, who are for the graceful figure, assured everyone that these foods are fattening. Now we know that the rich in starch foods, such as rice and potatoes, gives us energy and should be the basis of our food.

Reduce consumption of fat, at least 30 percent. Go to a low-calorie dairy products, roast meat or fish on the grill (grill), cook or bake instead of the usual frying oil.
Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables to five times per day. 4 Eat only one or two servings of lean meat or fish a day. Portion size should be 55-85 g (slice size of your palm).
At least six times a day, eat whole grain products. One portion may be equal to, for example, a slice of bread from wheat flour, half a bagel, small rolls, half a cup (two tablespoons from top) cooked pasta or three-quarters of a cup (small bowl) porridge for breakfast.
Limit alcohol intake to 14 devices per week (one time is equal to a glass of wine, 250 ml of beer or 100 grams of spirits).
To give your body enough calcium, eat more low-calorie dairy products. Try to eat these foods up to three times a day. Portion 4 may be equal to skim milk bottle, jar 1 nonfat yogurt (150 g), 100 g or 40 g of curd cheese.
Eat small, frequent meals. Spread the necessary amount of food for the whole day. Better to eat four times slowly than twice eat to "dump".
Never skip breakfast.
Use fats containing unsaturated fatty acids, such as olive oil or sunflower oil instead of saturated oils such as melted butter or lard, which contain saturated fatty acids.
Whenever possible, try to eat a useful, only slightly processed food. Instead of rich white bread, choose the bread, wholemeal and plain water prefer fizzy drinks.
Reduce salt intake. This will help lower your blood pressure, if you have a higher than normal, served with meat, such as bacon, ham and peppered the cervix contains a large amount of salt, as well as other foods, have been subjected to treatment.
Drink plenty of water 2-3 liters per day or more if you exercise.

Variety in the diet

A balanced diet includes a wide variety of products. There is no any single magic ingredient. A diet consisting only of apples and carrots is the same unhealthy diet as one of the chocolates or biscuits. The key to health is in diversity. Each product has some own, special nutritional properties. Carrots, for example, is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin A which produces, in full milk calcium, etc.

Moderation in eating

Reduce the amount of food consumed gradually, in any case, not forcing himself into the rigid framework. Remember: there is no good or bad foods. You can eat whatever you like, but in moderation. In your diet is quite appropriate, even chocolate, crunchy cookies and cakes if their use as part of a well balanced diet.

Food for energy

Everything that we eat gives us energy. But some foods have the most pronounced ability to maintain reserves of energy in the body.

Carbohydrates are the best source of energy, and most nutritionists recommend that we include in the diet at least 60 percent carbohydrates.

In terms of nutritional best type of carbohydrates - natural sugar found in fruit, vegetables and milk, as well as complex carbohydrates that are in foods such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.

Eat less fat

Fats have twice higher calorie than proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, the fat is easily digested, gives the dish a pleasant taste and appetite. During the combustion of one gram of fat (ie oxidation) in our body stands 9 kcal. The trouble is that the fat is readily absorbed into the fat cells and accumulated therein. Carbohydrates and proteins must undergo radical changes before they turn into fat, while the fat absorbed by our bodies almost without "processing". Since most people would prefer to part with fat, instead of accumulating it, it is advantageous to elaborate on this issue.

Drinking large amounts of fat, especially saturated fatty acids, very bad for the heart. Experts are convinced that it is necessary at least two years to comply with low-calorie diet to feel the main advantages of this power, and only five years to reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies show that a reduction in dietary fat to 27% of the total energy norm (most people eat about 40%) and a decrease in fat intake and acids to 8% gives a 50 per cent reduction in cases of death in people aged 55-64 years, suffering from heart disease.

Fats with saturated fatty acids at room temperature have a solid consistency. They contain animal products and some vegetable origin:
Butter and Cheese
Fatty meats - sausages, pate, layered ham (bacon)
Crackling biscuits
hydrogenated (hardened) vegetable oil or fish oil

Fats with unsaturated acids, more beneficial to health, but they also should not be abused. At room temperature, they are usually liquid. They are obtained from the following vegetable sources:
Olive oil
Peanut butter
Sunflower oil
Corn oil