How to eat a woman breastfeeding?

How to eat a woman breastfeeding?
 Breastfeeding a young mother just had to stick to a diet, because otherwise the child may have problems with the stomach and allergic reactions. But this has its advantages: With certain restrictions, you can reset the accumulated during pregnancy extra pounds and get in shape.

What can I eat while breastfeeding

Since what is included in the diet of lactating mothers, nutrition depends on her baby, her menu should be varied. On the table must be present cereals, meat products, cottage cheese, cheese. But from a pure milk, which was previously recommended to drink almost a liter, should be abandoned, focusing on dairy products. Today it is believed that diet during breastfeeding should do without it, because milk provokes bloating and can cause allergies. Vegetables used with caution, looking at the child's response, as well as fruits. Diet for breastfeeding at first allows only one baked apple a day and already after the child turns a month, you can vary the menu, trying fresh apples, pears, bananas.

Specifically limit yourself to diet while breastfeeding is impossible, as this may result in a decrease in lactation.

Nutrition during breastfeeding: that it is desirable not to use

Not too good for digestion baby cabbage and beans, so the diet during lactation the first time they exclude. Not recommended nuts, citrus fruits, chocolate, red berries and other foods that are considered highly allergenic. Precautions should try sea fish and seafood, as well as a variety of herbs and spices. Should not be abused coffee, which can have a stimulating effect. At first glance harmless cocoa may cause the same allergy, as well as chocolate. Obviously, in the diet food may not include products that are not too useful without breastfeeding: chips, soda, mayonnaise.

Features diet lies in the fact that all new products are introduced gradually, with an eye on the baby reaction, which can be very individual.

That is strictly forbidden

If the child is normally carries everything that eats his mom, at an absolute ban is just alcohol. Safe doses or types of alcohol to a child's body does not exist.

Tags: feeding, Men, diet, nutrition, feeding, breast, direct, there