How not to gain weight during times of stress

How not to gain weight during times of stress
 Stress creeps up quietly and completely subjugates the body. Only reason alone during the attack stress lose weight, while others, notably fattening. What is the mystery of stress, and most importantly, how to stay slim during his attack?

The human body is unique in every way. That is why the response to stress are different. In some begin to work adrenal glands, causing weight loss and body other at a chemical level, there is a reaction to cortisone, and they are rapidly gaining weight.

Even if we consider that such "stress" can take pounds as easily as they had appeared, then allow jumps of weight there - back quite unhealthy. But also to break the stress by willpower alone will not work! So, we need to approach combat the effects of stress deliberately and stock up some information.

Pay attention to your diet!

• Stress causes absorb more fat, more sweet and high-calorie foods. Stop! Plan in advance what you will eat for a day. Eat slowly, enjoying the taste of each piece. So you shall be filled much faster and do not let overeating.

• Do not torment yourself strict diet, thereby increasing stress. Triggering a consequent increase in cortisol and disrupt the balance of sugars, you can get the body's hormonal failure.

• Meals should be balanced without skipping meals. Standard trio "breakfast, lunch and dinner" can be supplemented by two light snacks.

• A full breakfast - good mood for the whole day. Eat breakfast delicious and nutritious food. For example, oatmeal with milk and pieces of fruit or a handful of berries enrich you with calcium, fiber and vitamins and orange juice will provide vitamin C.

• Eat protein at every meal. Maintaining a constant level of sugar in the blood, it is able to withstand stress.

• If you have the burning desire to eat something sweet - allow yourself this little whim. Note the word "small"! It is not necessary in a fit of self-pity gang up on sweets. To avoid this, it is better not to keep them in a large number of the house.

• In times of stress, try to replace a cup of coffee a cup of green tea or chicory drink. The fact that coffee causes an increase in cortisol levels, which means that at the time better to abandon it.

Forget the word lazy!

• Cortisol loves lazy. Try to be more active, even a 20-minute load every day or 30 minute load 3 times a week can significantly reduce cortisol levels by 10-15%. But! Even if such a burden load, replace them with a pleasant walk at a moderate pace in the park or park.

Arrange yourself a good rest!

• Sleep - an important component in the fight against stress. Sleep at least 7-9 hours per day. This will help you reduce the impact of stress during the day.

• Use relaxation techniques, yoga or meditate. This will significantly improve your emotional state and help reduce the negative effects of stress.

By following these rules are not clever, you are able to retain its shape during times of stress, living a full life.

Tags: time, stress, weight, cortisol, harmony