How not to feel hunger

How not to feel hunger
 The feeling of hunger arises from the rigid restriction in food. This is a diet that you torment yourself, and the wrong mode, except when lunch and dinner no time for eating. Constant hunger leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so we can not shy away from this problem, because to deal with it quite easily.
 The most important thing at the recurring attacks of hunger - to organize the correct diet. The feeling of hunger arises when the body goes into a slow-motion process of exchange. Therefore, every meal at the signal leads to the accumulation of fat layer "in reserve".

Make a new schedule of the day, which will include more frequent but smaller meals. Do not ignore breakfast, as he starts working the body and metabolism. Do not wait for the signal hunger to eat, because then you will pull chew something not useful (cakes, donuts, pizza, cake). 3-4 hours - such a space should be between meals.

Do not linger at the table after a meal, or you may want to eat anything else. Needless to eat standing up - in this situation seems to be quite empty stomach, and a desire to fill it to capacity.

Enter in your diet oatmeal - they quickly saturate the body and contain a lot of nutrients. Well and that oatmeal is digested slowly, which pushes the emergence of hunger. From time to time can be slightly nourished apple, yogurt or yogurt. Appleseed contain a lot of iodine, which is holding back the urge to eat.

Rinse mouth with tincture of peppermint or drink half a cup of broth parsley. These tools make you forget about the hunger for two hours. Stewed plums and figs with no added sugar perfectly calm appetite. Drink it half a cup before meals and fruit also eaten.

Potatoes and beans quickly fill the stomach, improve digestion. Potatoes are good for baked or cooked in their skins. Gradually reduce the portion that the body gets used to the new diet. You will notice after a while that the saturation comes much earlier.

Limit consumption of foods that cause appetite (coffee, all acute and conservation). Before the meal, drink a glass of mineral water or tomato juice.

Dine no later than two hours before bedtime. Your meal should consist of vegetables and a piece of meat. Amino acid found in meat, activate the hormones that burn fat.

Eat more foods rich in plant fiber. This coarse rye bread, buckwheat and barley cereal, apples, prunes, carrots, beets and green onions. They stimulate intestinal motility. A fiber cabbage displays excess cholesterol.

With hunger easily cope garlic. Pound three cloves of this vegetable and pour a glass of boiled water, but room temperature. After one day the infusion is ready. Take it on a tablespoon before going to bed. Try to swallow a small clove of garlic, not liquid.

Any interesting and exciting experience allows you to forget about eating. But remember about his new diet and do not make the intervals between meals more than four hours, not to return the sinking feeling of hunger.

Tags: feeling hungry