How dull the sense of hunger

How dull the sense of hunger
 When dieting or fasting day sometimes there simply unbearable hunger. At such times, many can not stand and rush to the refrigerator and forget about diet. But it can be a simple and effective ways to muffle feeling of hunger.
 Drink plenty of fluids. Naturally, not sweet and not aerated. Perfect green tea (both hot and cold), non-carbonated drinking water (with a drop of lemon juice), whey (please). And juices can be used, but with only minimal natural sugars, such as apple, orange, carrot.

Perform simple physical exercises that blunt the feeling of hunger and you will add harmony. Very good in this case, breathing exercises or static exercise. You can perform several Assan from yoga.

Aromatherapy is able to save you from sucking hunger. Light aromolampu, drip a few drops of orange, tangerine, mint or Bergamot oil. Relax, lie down with your eyes closed. At the same time can do themselves and do some face mask.

By the way, it is possible to combine aromatherapy and hot tub. Warm water is also able to move hunger to the background, giving a feeling of bliss and peace. Add the water bath salt or drip a little of your favorite essential oil.

For greater reliability on a diet does not keep in the refrigerator for a delicious "temptations" - sausage, ham, cakes, candies. May it be filled with fruit (fresh or dried), vegetables. Fresh carrots or an apple can be a great snack, so if you absolutely can not tolerate hunger. You make it to the dinner, but do not overeat. What else can serve as a low-calorie snack in case of an attack of hunger? Low-fat yogurt or kefir just a few pieces of nuts or other dried fruit, bitter piece (not milk) chocolate.

In general, buy a set of dishes small capacity. Then even a small portion of food will appear visually more you train the body and suck much less food. Chew gum without sugar, so you deceive the body and dulled hunger.

Quality sleep at least 8 hours will allow you to forget about eating. Moreover, it is believed that during sleep man continues to lose weight. So sleep on your health!

It is believed that the red and orange colors are appetite stimulation. Avoid these colors in your kitchen. Choose blue-green range for kitchen design, including sideboard. This range of tranquility, harmony, it will visually help fight hunger.

It should be remembered for what you are going to limit yourself to food. This health and slim figure for many years. For such purposes can be a little bit and be patient!

Tags: body, feeling