Emotions and pounds: how to stop seizing stress?

Emotions and pounds: how to stop seizing stress?
 Food should be enjoyable and useful. Moreover, approximately equally. If a person eats more and more pleasant, but it is not the most useful products - it's time to reflect. Perhaps food has become a habit of appearing together with any emotion (often negative).
 There is a danger to fall into a vicious circle. So, you lonely, sad, exciting, hard, etc. You honestly, overeat, but the voltage at the time of retreat. You rejoice victory over stress, its strength, and perhaps even to celebrate, eat more. Dizzy with success passes and you realize that you ate too much, which means extra weight and extra (not required) centimeters. You again is sad, difficult, anxious, etc., you're waving at her hand again seizes the alarm - and so every day.

Pleasant emotions, which gives the delicious food, struggling with guilt. At the same time a man realizes that food uplifting for a short time, and then it will be bad again, and it should not be there just because of the negative experiences. However, sometimes this is not enough to stop the habit, affection ...

A person needs to recognize and accept the fact that he eats a lot because of emotional stress. The next step - to analyze what he eats. Every time a person thinks: "And do not eat me whether so-and-so ?! "He should ask himself:" I really feel hunger or react in such a way something happened? »

You can try to make regular entries in the "food diary" (that is eaten, impressions before and after meals, etc.). So you can keep an eye on some of the trends in your diet, such as the desire to have more on Fridays, and use them to understand what lies behind such desires. Why this happens is on Fridays - not perhaps because the majority are going to work immediately after the noisy companies and having fun all night, and you have no such possibility? Perhaps a person eats a lot especially in the evening - because he was lonely and bored, he feels useless ... With the help of this diary is easier to find the cause of overeating.

Sometimes a man seeks to "close" the favorite food problems, not to solve them, but relief comes only for a short period of time. It is necessary to learn to recognize those emotions that are "forced" to have and to begin to deal with them more healthy methods.

Stress and anger increases blood pressure and heartbeat quickens. Breathe deeply, concentrating on inhaling and exhaling. Try to be alone to recover and collect my thoughts. If you had a fight with someone - write on a piece of whatever you want to say to this man, and then re-read when to calm down, and try again to discuss the conflict situation. Listen to your favorite music. Work out or at least go for a long walk.

Physical activity helps in the case of sadness and loneliness. Sports improve mood, causing the release of endorphins in the blood. Play with your pet, talk to someone (at least for a forum on the Internet), do some charity - help those who are worse.

If there is a want of boredom, better find a new hobby or read a book (preferably make it a rule to read, for example, for half an hour daily). Do not engage in several other works in parallel with the meal. Constantly remind yourself that you know how to distract and entertain a variety of ways - not only with the food!

Tags: stress, emotion, pounds, overeating