Eat and lose weight: diet - day yesterday?

Eat and lose weight: diet - day yesterday?
 To get rid of magnificent forms, not necessarily adhere to strict diets or restrict your diet. It is important to learn to replace some other products. So what is there to eat to lose weight?

There is a good expression "Do you want to have - have a drink some water." It is suitable for those who want to lose a few pounds. Often, instead of the need to eat, in fact, the body requests a refill of water. Spend quite safe experiment as soon as you feel slight hunger, instead of eating, drink a glass of water. After that hunger back down for some time. But in any case it is not necessary at all to move "on bread and water." After all, real hunger can be defeated only satisfy his food.

Try as much as possible to move. Forget about elevators, often walk on foot. Calories eaten will be better able to absorb and burn, if you live in the movement. Leading a sedentary lifestyle, you risk not only lose weight but also gain even more weight. All you need is to move from time to time. It is desirable, if the usual diet of the day to burn 100 calories more than yesterday.

Can not be excluded from the diet of certain foods, such as bread, red wine, food rich in carbohydrates. In the bread contains B vitamins, in one glass of dry red wine - natural antioxidants, and without carbohydrates your body will draw energy from nowhere. So there can be almost everything, but in moderation.

What would a snack? Low-fat dairy products rich in calcium, beef liver, stimulate the production of hemoglobin, fruits, which are high in fiber. For those who prefer sweet and fragrant pastries, and allowed to eat a piece of cake. But then you have to give up the cooked meat, cooked for dinner. And can pohrustet chocolate, but without harm to the figures better to prefer not stogrammovym classic tiles, and their mini versions weighing 50-60 grams. If you want to not only lose weight but also to benefit their health, choose only dark chocolate, which stimulates the brain and heart.

Tags: food, diet, weight loss