Detox plan to fully cleanse the body

 Our body is constantly exposed to quite high loads from the polluted environment, stress and toxins on a daily basis comes from the atmosphere, and with food. If they accumulate too much, there are frequent headaches, digestive disorders, allergies. And sometimes it leads to heart disease and cancer. A course of cleaning detox diet to activate the self-cleaning mechanism of the body. And in a week you will feel like your body is recovered and came back into balance.

Why remove toxins?

For us it was normal enough to eat. Moreover, many of our products have lost many nutrients due to industrial processing, while others are full of harmful sugar, fat and other substances.

If we are constantly straining our body toxins such as alcohol and caffeine, the metabolism is mainly engaged in that would protect these substances. Because of this, it is little effort to regenerate cells, treatment and purification.
Over time, the body is no longer as good handle toxins, and they begin to settle in the liver and kidneys, overall health deteriorates. We often feel unwell and looks bad.

Detox - that it gives?

During the elimination of toxins from the body is a lot of change. Firstly, due to the failure of certain "heavy" foods organism ceases to strain. Secondly, he gets a lot of "good" nutrients that help in the withdrawal of toxins and waste, and to accelerate the regeneration of cells. Intensive regeneration of cells contributes to the fact that you not only feel young and healthy, but it looks.

Since the nutritional value of many foods and dishes reduced due to cooking and other cooking methods, detox plan is focused on as much as possible "pristine" products. Raw, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes and fruits natural rice plays an important role.

What would toxins to be effective, you have to forget about:

- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Medicines
- Caffeine

The right moment

The first days of detox diet will test your endurance. Soon you will start to feel fresh and full of energy, your skin will shine. When the body begins to get rid of the toxins that you maybe feel tired.

Delayed onset muscle soreness in the muscles, changeable mood, headache and skin rash may also appear, but should go pretty quickly. Serial detox is not too heavy, but you can ease yourself this stage, if you start it at the right time.

More often than not, you decide quickly brush up in the spring or early summer in preparation for the holiday and beach season. At this time in the stores you can find lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. And the need for a hot and hearty eating much less.

Do not start our program in the phase when you have stress at work or at home or when you have to visit a variety of activities with a variety of culinary delights. Working people better start detox diet Friday to not look tired on the job.

You can do more

Detox most motivates the work of bodies that are responsible for the removal of toxins from the body - liver, kidneys and skin. Here are some more metopriyaty that activate the excretory system and help the body with the withdrawal of toxins:

* Breathing Exercises
* Pilling
* Hydrotherapy
* Massage
* Brush Massage
* Motion

7-day detox - plan

You can stretch our program to eliminate toxins from the body for a maximum of four weeks. But enough to start and one week.

The plan is divided into seven stages, each lasting one day. In a two-week program, each step is separated in two days. It is important to follow the correct sequence of steps. After the liquid phase (the first stage) to the power supply will be gradually added different products, which are chosen so that the digestive system is not strained and that have initial successes were not reduced to zero.

Seven steps

Step One: Only liquid

Step Two: Liquid and fruit

Step Three: plus raw vegetables

Step Four: plus boiled vegetables and natural rice

Step five: plus beans, nuts, seeds and lentils

Step six: plus whole grains and natural yoghurt

Step seven: plus fish


This detox plan suitable only to healthy adults. Those who suffer from low birth weight, takes medication prescribed by a doctor, pregnant or breast-feeding, who suffers from diabetes, tuberculosis, heart disease, irregular kidneys, degenerative diseases or allergies to foods should always consult a doctor before starting the program for the withdrawal of toxins from the body !

First stage: only liquid

Tradition toxins starts with plain water, perhaps with a drop of lemon. But you can also drink fresh juices from fruits and vegetables. Unsweetened green or herbal tea (ginger, fennel, St. John's Wort, rowan). The main thing that the total liquid volume was sufficient. This is about 1, 5 liters. In any case drink drinks purchased, as they contain sweeteners and preservatives.

It is best to squeeze the juice of fresh berries and fruits. Pineapple, mango, cherries, apples and pears. Just perfectly suited juice of celery, tomatoes, carrots and beets. Ideal, for example, a mixture of carrot juice and apple or raspberry and peach.

Second stage: the liquid and fruit

Ideal for detox diet suitable fruit and vegetables grown in ecologically clean regions, without the use of chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. Despite the often sour taste of fruit, with the chemical side, they are neutral. They neutralize the acidic slags in deriving them from the body, and high fiber content improves bowel, which is ot3 to 4 pounds of "waste".

* Apples contain a lot of pectin, which promotes the removal of toxins, as well as tartaric acid, stimulates digestion.
* Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which prevents the formation of harmful bacteria and putrefaction
* Mango contains bromelain enzyme papain except that neutralizes the decay products of protein.
Grapes improves kidney and liver.
* Watermelon - a great diuretic. It stimulates the excretion of fluids from the body together with the contained slag

Third step: add raw vegetables

Carrots contain a lot of nutrients especially improving digestion. Raw vegetables contain about the same substance as the fruit. Some types of lettuce are particularly effective for detoxification.

* Raw garlic purifies blood.
* Fennel stimulates digestion and reduces gas
* Contains sulfur and beta-carotene is necessary for good liver function
* Dandelion leaves stimulate the liver and kidneys
* Parsley - a great diuretic. It also contains zinc supporting liver function.

Fourth step: add cooked vegetables and rice

Do not cook vegetables too long and use as little water, salt and spices. The best way to do braising and stewing. Green leafy vegetables are particularly useful for the liver. Rice is best to take a crude, brown, wild, or a mixture. He absorbs very well and brings a lot of toxins from the intestines. It is easily digested and contains a lot of fiber.

Of spices recommend ginger and cayenne pepper. Both contribute to promote digestion and toxins through the skin conclusion. Onions (green and onion) and garlic eliminate heavy metals from the body. Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin, which promotes the formation of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Beetroot acid binds and promotes digestive processes in the stomach.

Step five: add beans, nuts and seeds

Beans and lentils are taken to correct the body proteins. But they can not be mixed with rice, because the combination of carbohydrates and proteins inhibit digestion. Nuts eat only raw and unsalted and certainly not sweet. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin are a lot of energy and saturated fatty acids in which the body needs, but can not produce itself. Use in salads, for example, sesame, sunflower seed and flaxseed.

Step six: add cereal and yogurt

The usefulness of natural yogurt containing live bacteria known to all. But the most useful yogurt from goat and sheep milk. They are easier to digest than a product of cow's milk and enteric bacteria contain identical.

Use in food grains from whole grains. They contain a lot of fibers, which are well absorbed and cleans the bowels and helps the liver. Rye, buckwheat, oats and barley fit best. But not wheat. All are slowly and uniformly delivered to the blood glucose and promote the accumulation of glycogen in the liver.

Step Seven: add fish

Fits any fresh fish. Optimal for healthy skin varieties contain saturated fatty acids, such as sardines, tuna and salmon.

By now, you already feel calm and relaxed. The feeling of hunger is not worried in the beginning of the diet and you will not regret about those "tasty" things of which you had to give up.

Now, after the detox diet, you can gradually introduce other products in the diet. But do it slowly. Best of all, if it will be one "new" product in two days. Carefully enter the menu dairy products and meat.

Your body contains a lot of saturated fat, which in combination with protein will slow down the digestive process. Flour products should be added at the last turn. If you're too impatient, you risk seriously undermine health. Phasing out of the detox diet will provide you with excellent health and a healthy, youthful appearance.

Alexander Shatalina

Tags: program, body fluid, pregnancy, Ambassador, product, diet, alcohol, cleansing, toxin conclusion excretion, drug premium detox