Binge-eating: what it is dangerous

Binge-eating: what it is dangerous
 Any excesses associated with excessive consumption of food, is dangerous to health. Truth, which says that a knife and fork modern man digs his own grave, is very relevant for several reasons.
 Firstly, a person living in civilized countries, accustomed to consume an excessive amount of calories, which is considerably higher than the daily requirement for energy. Products, mainly consumed refined with a minimum amount of fiber.

Second, lack of exercise has become a real scourge of modern society - a man accustomed to the benefits of civilization, thus limiting motor activity.

Binge-eating is further exacerbating these problems, because the amount of food consumed is not controlled, then a person is experiencing true remorse, thinking that he knowingly ate some food. This problem is investigated in the last century, when people in civilized countries, ceasing to be lacking in food, it began to use it as a means of dealing with psychological problems. It was at this time became evident disease caused by excessive consumption of food becomes.

Undoubtedly, the main problem associated with overeating, obesity becomes, because the excess calories that enter the body and have not been used up, sooner or later deposited as fat. And unlike another common eating disorders - bulimia - physiological measures during a drunken overeating patient usually does not take. This leads to the fact that the increasing weight stimulates metabolism disorder that provoke hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis sizes. The next stage is an unstable blood pressure and coronary heart disease, pathology, fraught with mortal danger for the patient.

The second part of the problem of binge eating becomes a violation of the insulin metabolism in the body, which can manifest as symptoms characteristic of diabetes (impaired insulin secretion) and symptoms of excessive glucagon release.

Overeating protein foods are also harmful to the body, because the enzyme system in the liver and kidneys can not cope with the excessive intake of protein that can induce abnormal joints and violation of the synthesis of steroid hormones.

Even on holidays situational overeating is bad for the body, because the digestive system can not handle immediately with plenty of food, which creates a burden on the digestive tract cancer, and unspent energy will remain in the body and manifest changes shape.

Tags: calorie, weight, violation, eating, digestion, excess