8 tricks to cheat hunger

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 Being slim and fit - it is not only fashionable, but first of all good for health of the person, but starvation - not the best way to keep a healthy weight. Firstly, it does not fit all for health reasons, and secondly, not every morally ready for it. Fortunately, there are some fairly simple ways to cheat hunger.
 Reusable food

Divide the daily food of frequent small portions. It is better to eat less, but often, for example, 5-6 times from seven to eighteen hours of the morning. Small portions satisfy hunger without stretching the stomach.

Drink plenty of fluids

Fill the stomach a glass of water, unsweetened tea, herbal decoction or dried fruit compote can blunt the feeling of hunger.

Optical illusion

There is a simple way to fool yourself. Taking food to fill a small plate, put some food, eating just do not happen, and the feeling of hunger is gone.

Impact of color

Recent research nutritionists have shown that colors like orange, red and yellow subconsciously able to stir up an appetite in humans, so you should try to avoid the use of these colors in the workplace or in the home kitchen.

Spices "no"

If you do not eliminate from the diet of hot sauces and spices that increase appetite (mustard, hot pepper, adjika, various spices), to deal with annoying feeling of hunger will be difficult.

Fresh air

Scientists have recently shown that implementing short-lived walks in the fresh air, the person may blunt the feeling of hunger. It would seem, on the contrary, after the load will want to eat, but the body is saturated with oxygen and the use of food can move. It happens that there is no way to walk, then you can just open the window.

The impact of smell

With the help of some fragrances can also knock down your appetite. For example, the smell of vanilla or cinnamon interrupts hunger. Now sold cinnamon and vanilla sticks - buy and sniff once feel the urge to eat. If you did not find sticks, buy special scented candles.

Folk remedies

There are many popular recipes in order to bring down the appetite. For example, in a glass of warm boiled water, take 1 teaspoon of honey, squeeze half a lemon, stir and drink in small portions. The day after drinking 3-4 glasses of drink, you saturate the body with necessary microelements and will not have an acute sense of hunger.

Tags: feeling hungry, trick your appetite