5 Rules food that we break every day

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 The most important component of health - this is the correct and balanced diet. In order to have a great figure and feel good enough to stick to simple rules that will teach you to respect the culture of power, to make the right diet and rebuild schedule meals.

No need to torture yourself newfangled diets that promise to reduce the size of the waist and lose weight in a few days. Do not be so naive. You already know that after each diet appetite is greatly increased, and in a short time you return all the dropped pounds. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with them by other methods.

There are five simple rules of nutrition that promote weight loss without dieting. If they will constantly adhere to them, your weight stabilizes the metabolism is restored.

Rule one: stop drinking calories.

It is necessary to abandon the juice concentrates, cola, coffee and milk. This is especially true of those working in the office, instead of a full dinner, interrupted by a cup of this drink with a sweet bun. They contain excessive amounts of sugar, which adds unnecessary calories to your body. It is better to arrange a fruit snack.

Rule two: drink plenty of water.

Replace high-calorie beverages of these just ordinary drinking water. It is proved that the body fluid need not less than two liters per day. Then the only cells able to maintain the necessary metabolism.

Rule Three: Do not skip meals.

Agree that you usually eat 1-2 times a day. And it promotes the deposition of fat in reserve. Need to organize your meals during the day so that you had 4-5 meals. Just not much carried away by the size of portions. At one time, you can eat a volume of glass.

Rule Four: Write yourself a meal plan.

You have to think in advance of the day and his regime to make the menu for the day. If you work, take a few sudochki with food for 2-3 snack during the workday. Then in the evening you will not feel appetite and absorb incredibly huge portions for dinner.

Rule Five: refuse night snacking.

This is probably the most difficult rule hard to refuse. And it was the food at bedtime contributes to weight gain. Even if you do all day compliance rate and got a great result, then a piece of sweet bedtime necessarily settle on your waist and would nullify your daily efforts.

If you take these simple rules in preparing the menu and selecting the product, you will soon gain a slim waist without any painful diets.

Tags: nutrition